❦Chapter 9: Déjà Vu

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"Our lifestyle.. isn't as good or "perfect" as yours. We, ugh I don't like saying this but- we're poor, okay?"

He stayed silent. His eyes wasn't looking at mine and it seemed like he was thinking of something else. Well, I'm just glad we weren't making any eye contact because if we did, it would be awkward. "My.. lifestyle isn't perfect," He said, grabbing my shoulders and holding it firmly.

"Listen, I don't know what a "perfect" lifestyle is to you, but to me as long as everyone inside your home is happy, it's perfect. No tears, no serious arguments, no bitter silences are heard in a perfect home." I felt my heart get all fuzzy and beat much faster than it usually did. My cheeks went red, not from embarrassment this time, but because of him.

"A home and a house is different. A house have the structure, the furniture, everything "perfect" inside. Everything but love. A home might not have the "perfect" structure and furniture, but it has love.. Something I never had."

His words hit me like a truck. No words were spoken after that, just silence. But it wasn't awkward like before. It was actually comfortable, and I preferred it this way.

"Sorry, I got too personal."

I hugged him without saying anything making him surprised and confused at first, but hugged back nonetheless. "You looked like you needed one." I said, patting his back. "Yes.. thank you."

I smiled back at him, but then, it felt like I have been in this situation before. I felt like I remember hugging him dearly like a close friend before yet, we have never met in our whole lives until today. "Weird... Do you feel like we hugged like this before?"

"I do.." He pulled away from the hug, before falling into his thoughts. "But I don't think I met you before as well." After separating, Kayama-san has came back with all our stuff. Remembering that I haven't changed yet, I quickly rushed to the dressing room with my casual clothes in hand.

But when I rushed there, I swear I saw her give a small smirk towards me and a wink, which I was completely confused about.

---------- [ 3rd Person's POV: ]
"So pretty boy, you Y/n's boyfriend or something?"

"Um no.. who are you again?" She then faked a loud gasp with wide eyes. "YOU DON'T KNOW ME?!"

"I know you're Y/n's auntie but I don't know what to call you..."

"Ahh... Well- you just call me Aunt Midnight! The nickname makes me look younger am I right?!" Nudging her elbow to his back, she asked, "So! Who are you?"

"I mean, I know you're Todoroki Shoto but who are you to Y/n, hmm..???" She put a hand on her chin while giving the boy a smirk. "Now, I know Y/n could be stubborn sometimes, but she makes amazing soba! Well- since that's literally the only thing she can cook out of all the foods out there."

He stayed silent throughout all her rants, but it seemed like this Y/n girl peaked his interest. So was she the one who made the soba I ate earlier then? She did say the recipe came from her mother.. He thought. "Do you know who's Y/n's mom?"

Midnight then looked at him, "She haven't told you..? What kind of boyfriend are you then?!" He sighed, giving her an exhausted look. "I am not her boyfriend Aunt Midnight. I'm simply just a friend of hers."

"Eh?! How boring~ Is it because Y/n isn't a good girlfriend? Have you tried having her in bed yet-"

"AUNTIE!!" Y/n shouted from a far, probably overhearing their conversation. She babbled and grumbled slur of curses at her auntie. Ears bright red, face flushed with the color red as well as she faced Todoroki once again.

"Sorry about h-her.. She can be a naughty person sometimes- DON'T MIND WHAT SHE SAID." She stammered.

The red and white haired boy stood dumfounded, feeling fuzzy inside and embarrassed as well. Especially with what Midnight asked earlier, of course. But despite his giddy feelings on the inside, he still kept his composure on the outside.

"Don't act so innocent Y/n-chan! You know what I mean when I say on the bedro-"


Midnight complained with how "boring" Y/n was acting, "Can't you be more adventurous sometimes?! Come on~ flirt a little you ungrateful brat! Be thankful for being young!!"

A few more minutes of bickering from the two, Todoroki finally interrupted. "What time is it?" Y/n looked at her watch on her wrist and mumbled, "It's almost 9.."

"I think it's better to stop this unnecessary argument and actually start going home, right Y/n-chan?" She agreed silently, and put on her sling bag on her shoulders. "Yeah.. we should. Ah, Todoroki are you really going to stay at our place?" She looked over to him, who was still in his tacky 90's outfit disguise.

"Yes.. I hope you don't mind."

"Why not at all!! That way we can talk about Y/n and how she should improve her love life more."

"Auntie!!" She retorted back while the three of them headed out the closed restaurant, going straight to the train station. Laughter was heard from the three of them, even from the most broken one's.

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