❦Chapter 10: Agreement

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The cold, yet refreshing summer breeze went by my shoulders through the dark and beautiful night. Cars were honking at each other on the main road, and bikes were occasionally seen on their side of the road every now and then.

After we got off the train, the three of us decided that we should walk home. Seeing as we didn't really wanna bother wasting anymore money on transportation, even if Todoroki could literally afford it for us.

But we felt bad since he himself actually offered to pay for the train ride as well, which was COMPLETELY unnecessary. I wanted to scream and thank him at the same time; because I didn't know if he was doing this out of kindness or out of the fact that he's being arrogant with all his money. The second thought was kind of going overboard with my thoughts, I know, but what if he really was doing all these because he pitied us?

Anyways, the walk back home wasn't actually that bad. It was more of— light hearting actually.

Small giggles and chuckles were heard every now and then, since me and Todoroki didn't really looked like the talkative type. Kayama-san did much of the talking.

"Hey hey, wanna hear a story of mine back from my highschool years?!"

Ah.. of course, sometimes her stories could get kind of embarrassing. Not just to her, but to me as well.

"Y/n-chan loved this story when she was just a kid! She thought it was really funny despite not understanding what the word "drunk" was back then..!"

"Auntie.. no stop-"

"There was this also one time Y/n got lost in a mall and had to go to the security and had her name announced through the whole building!!"

Oh no. Not that one..


"And you know how old Y/n was?"



I shouted, ears bright red with my face covered in it too. It was clear on my face how embarrassed and frustrated I was. Kayama-san gave out a smirk, and laughed, slapping me playfully on my back. "You really still are a kid, aren't you Y/n..?!"

I huffed in defeat, crossing my arms. I was still face flushed to what she said, while I could hear Todoroki stiffen a giggle.

I looked forward as to what would come out from his mouth since he has been quiet the whole time. Well NOT entirely but— he was still pretty silent most of the time.

"You..- You got lost in a mall when you were 16 Y/n?.."

He covered his mouth with his one hand, trying to not laugh. I became more embarrassed because he just added to auntie's words, and immediately started to heat up. "Look I can explain why-"

"She was trying to find the winter edition of the gummies she last bought in the store 2 weeks ago at that time." Kayama-san chuckled sarcastically, watching my face burn in humiliation. 'Oh come on!!'  I thought. She can be a demon sometimes.

While I was trying to think of other reasons to retort back to Todoroki, he was erupting of laughter. "Ah-Ahhahaha..!!" He managed to cough out, still trying to cover his mouth. As he laughed, Kayama-san also joined in to his unexpectation while I only stood there dumbfoundedly.

His laugh was so.. hypnotizing. As what Mina had told me, Todoroki was the serious type. The one who rarely even smiles. So seeing him laughing his heart out right in front of me made me... get all giddy inside somehow. If he would keep his laugh for a few more minutes or so, I feel like I would faint.

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