❦Chapter 8: Welp, Guess You're Coming With Us Then

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( I need to make a chapter from the picture ☝️above someday 📢✨ )

"What if we create a distraction, and then rush back inside to the staff room. Surely they can't break in there. It's the most secure room in the building."

"So how are we going to create a distraction exactly?"

I put my hands on my chin, brainstorming silently to get us out of here. "I got it!" I exclaimed. "Have you thought of something already?" His thoughts wondered, curious as to what I've planned.

"Yeah! Well- Do you have your phone with you?"

He nodded silently, pulling out his phone that was in his pockets showing it to me. Those 'fans' of his probably follows him on all his social media platforms, so if we just get him to post a false location on where he is, people would finally get their butts out of here.

"Sounds good.. Just hope ALL of them will fall for it. One person might not believe it and ruin everything," Glancing at his gadget in his hands I asked a favor. "Can I take your phone? I want to post it myself."

He agreed but questioned why, "Why does it have to be you though? Isn't it better to do it myself?"

I cocked an eyebrow and gave a smug smirk. My action made him have a confused look on his face while my smirk remained the same. "I'm going to.. put some things in there to make it more, convincing on the post. So I hope you won't mind."

"Please don't put something stupid." He said, handing the white cased gadget to me. I flashed a smile, knowing I'm not really going to agree as to what he said.

Now, girls.. I don't speak for every one of his fangirls but, If a put something specific on his post then I'm sure everyone would be out of here in no time.

: TodorokiShoto_✔️
   Hey sweethearts~ A place by the Yususaku street brings me beloved, delicious food! I'm also signing autographs for everyone who comes by. Hope to see you there!

"Ohh.. so that's how you post on twitter."

"Don't tell me you've never posted here before?"

"Kaminari told me not to.. He said I could get cancelled."

"Fair enough."

Shrugging my shoulders, I felt dashes of buzz come out of Todoroki's notifications. "And.. there it is. You know, your girls are so thirsty for you. You gotta feed them some time to time."

"What? No, I don't have any girls- and two, what does the word thirsty mean? Do they need water? I don't think I can give them water right now.." I looked at him dumbfoundedly before bursting into laughter at his innocence and about him being TOO literal.

"No no, that's not what thirsty means. It means you literally have hoes wrapped around your finger," Stiffling in another laugh, I continued what I was about to say. "They could even murder for you and get away with it." I said, roaring into laughter once more.


Holding my stomach, I tried getting back on my normal pace before glancing back to him again. "You know, your scar is interesting. I haven't noticed it until now."

"You're kidding."

"No! Not at all! It's true- I know some people might say that it's the first thing they notice about you but," Staring into his eyes once more, I felt a strange connection between our eyes. The windows to our souls felt hypnotized and open for a quick second, before I turned away.


I wanted to say his eyes were very distracting in a good way. So distracting that his scar faded away in my vision almost completely and he looked.. perfect. And that awkward stare-off from earlier definitely gave him atleast a hint that I love his eyeballs.

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