❦Chapter 4: It's Just the First Day!

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The girl looked at me with fury, which I was completely confused about. She doesn't look like one of my colleagues seeing as she doesn't have the uniform. So, I assumed she was one of the costumers.

"Hello, ma'am. May I help you?" I asked nervously, a bead of sweat dripping down slowly on my forehead. "Tsk. Don't act dumb with me! I saw how you looked at my boyfriend!"

Wait.. boyfriend? "No ma'am.. I'm not flirting with anyone at the moment." I clarified my statement to which she just rolled her eyes at after.

"Yeah right!! All you girls always fish for my boyfriend. I know what you're doing and your filthy, little, tricks!" She pushed me backwards and I defended myself with my serving tray. At this point, annoyance is now shown on my face from this stupid conversation.

"Ma'am.. if your boyfriend was the man I just greeted at earlier, I wasn't flirting with him. I'm simply just doing our cafe's unique style of service."

"As if I'll listen to you! What kind of woman would say "master" to a man so casually?! And you say you aren't flirting?!"

"Ma'am.. This is a maid cafe." I deadpanned at her face but it looked like she didn't even care. Well, more of didn't understand. "What do you mean maid cafe?! Isn't this a normal shop for a normal chit chat?!"

The girl kept her rant, and as of right now, she had made enough commotion to gain extra unnecessary attention from everyone. I face-palmed at her, not knowing how to shut her mouth for good.

The man from earlier then took it from there, and forced her girlfriend to go with him. She refused at first but eventually just agreed with a sour look on her face. Her boyfriend then apologized and explained that his girlfriend came from the states, and didn't understand japanese culture that much despite knowing how to speak the language.

I accepted the apology, since he's still the costumer after all. I tried to change the topic, not wanting to talk about it any longer. I asked him if he would still like his table, and he vigorously nodded, still holding his girlfriend.

After a few minutes or so.. they finally settled to a table, and said their orders. I then fastened my pace walking towards the kitchen.

"Man.. that girl was a hassle..." I said to myself as I entered the kitchen area. "Tough costumer huh?" Another voice called out to me and I turned to their direction. I was greeted by a girl with orange hair, and electric blue eyes. "Hiya! I'm Itsuka Kendo. The chef.. well, commis chef of this place."

I took a tray of food from one of the shelves of the prepared food and looked towards her. "Hmm.. I see. If you're still a commis chef then who's in charge here?"

"Tsunagu-san. Well, for most of us call him.. Best jeanist. *Whispers* because he always wear jeans wherever he goes... Even in the kitchen."

My eyes widened at the.. interesting fact about one of my upperclassmen here. "Well! That's a fun fact to hear." I chuckled, and brought my attention back to the tray of food in my arms. "But I still have costumers to serve, so I'll see you later Kendo!"

I headed out the door with a tray for the couple's order and tried to remember what table were they on.

"Here you go masters! Enjoy your deal-icous food~. Remember we have discounts on Friday for veteran costumers!!" I heard Mina say on the opposite side of the cafe, to which I smiled at. Everyone is being so cooperative and dedicated to their job.. I better focus on mine too!

---------- Time Skip (◕ᴗ◕✿)

"Thank you so much for doing your best today girls!" Kayama-san complimented us all after her long day of work upstairs. The rest of the crew thanked her for her kind words and told her soon after how tired they are from the busy day of work, and how they wanted to go home.

She understood the situation, and told them they can now leave. After they left, I was alone with my auntie in the room again. "Soooo... How was it so far?" She put her arms onto my shoulders but I only yawned in response.

"Oh it was tiring alright. I didn't know it would be so packed and busy on my first day."

I rubbed my eyes feeling drowsy and completely drained out. "Are you sure you still want to go to UA? The exam is in 3 weeks. You're going to need to study hard and-"

"Auntie.. I'm fine. I'm sure I can take it."

She sighed at my answer, and took her arms from my shoulders. I fixed my standing position and crossed my arms. "You're right.. you are strong, and I believe in you. I just didn't want to put too much pressure on your back. Being a working student is extremely exhausting you know, coming from a person with experience." She nudged my shoulders a bit, making me smile gently at the thought of Kayama-san being a working student once.

I giggled immaturely, despite being a grown teenager already. "Is that a challenge you're giving me auntie? C'mon, I'm not that weak for you say that. You believe in me don't you?"

She took a defeated sigh, and hugged me dearly. She patted my back and I hugged her correspondingly as well. "I always have." She added.

We parted our ways from everyone else going back home. And by the time we have already arrived in our apartment, it was quite late in the evening.

"God.. I'm tired AND hungry-"

"-Welcome home dumbshits. What took you so long to arrive? Is it really THAT hard to work in a maid cafe?" Riu interrupted my words and closed the book he was reading. "Tch. Whatever. I microwaved some food for you but seeing how you guys arrived so late, it must be cold by now."

He took his book with him and went inside his room again. I sighed at his stubbornness and headed to the table. My eyes then widened, and my mouth opened in shock.

"Why? What happened Y/n?"

The table before me was full of small, but delicious delicacies that made my mouth water. "This doesn't look like microwaved food at all... And I love it!" I went straight for my f/f that was prepared on a plate already and took a big bite.

"Wow.. this is amazing! We haven't had a meal like this ever since your birthday 2 years ago.." She went over to the table as well, and started munching on her food. "I know right! I guess Riu isn't that bad after all." I said, taking a glass of juice from the jar.

She gulped down her food before answering back, "But why did Riu lie about these goods by saying "microwaved food"? I mean, I'm pretty sure he knew we were coming so.. I don't think he lied just because he was selfish." I finished my glass of liquid, and placed the cup down. My head then wondered at Kayama-san's question and what could be the reason he lied.

"I don't know.. But I don't think it matters right? If he wanted to do something good then he could actually do something good. That's what's important." I took a piece of meat with my chopsticks, and munched on the delicious food happily.

Aunt agreed with my comment and we continued our dinner in silence. I thought about what auntie said earlier though, maybe.. once I continue what I was thinking about.. I'll just end up being too overwhelmed and-


She called out, making me snap back to reality. Gosh.. my mind can drive me insane alone. "Aren't you going to eat that? It's slowly falling off your chopsticks."

"Erm.. yes, auntie." I'm going to think and worry about this later. I don't want anyone else to think about this kind of non sense other than me.


I laid on my bed, awake. After we finished our dinner, Riu came out from his room and told me something.. something quite weird but he said to keep his words in mind.

I was confused, of course. But when I asked him about his request again, he simply ignored me. As if he was avoiding to answer it, as if he's hiding something from me. "Oh Riu.. why do you have so cold and mysterious?"

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