❦Chapter 11: A mysterious family

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I woke up to the obnoxious ringing in my ears. 'God.. what time is it for my alarm clock to go that loud?!' I lazily opened my eyes and groaned, "Jeez.. if you were going to wake me up atleast wake me up early GODDAMIT..."

The time was already 7:34 in the morning, and classes start at 8. Sure— for most people it would be considered early but for me who have to take a 20 minute ride for school, I don't think so.

Todoroki was sleeping on a futon right beside my bed, and surprisingly it was already empty. 'Did he woke up before me and didn't even bother waking me up as well?! Annoyed, I made my way downstairs and rushed towards the bathroom as I took my towel already with me.

"Ah, good morning Y/n. Had a good sleep?" The red and white haired boy slightly snickered, making me get more annoyed. "Why didn't you wake me up?? You woke up early so why didn't you wake me up as well?!" He crossed his arms and closed his eyes, as if he was trying to remember something.

"You looked like you liked your sleep, so I didn't bother trying to disturb you."


There it is again, the feeling of being all warm and fuzzy inside because of the awkward boy. My cheeks burned, and my s/c skin slowly turned red. "Are you okay? Do you feel sick–??.." He put down his plate from his hands and settled it down on the table. He then walked over to me and leaned closer to my face, his hands touching my forehead gently.

"You feel hot.."

I panicked internally and planned on what was I supposed to do. Should I push him away? But damn, he's so fine I can't let go an opportunity like this! But if I stay still, he might take the hint that I want him to keep our close distance.

"GAH!!" I accidentally blurted out, pushing him away. 'Wait no–!! I didn't mean to do that!' He backed up a bit and a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. "Sorry..."

'Great. I made him feel bad..'

"No, it's okay. I was just—"

"Uncomfortable? Alright. I'll remind myself from time to time that. Sorry again. Kirishima told me physical contact on appropriate moments can make friends feel more relieved and relaxed."

'Dang it, this man takes words seriously huh? It's like throwing egg shells whenever you say something to him.' "No.. No, it's fine. Really. I uh— it wasn't much of a big deal in the first place." My face started to cool down and return to it's normal s/c color. He simply nodded his head, and continued setting the table.

"I- Todoroki don't you think we don't have enough time to have breakfast? It's almost 8!"


"Talking about the time– I need to go shower!!" I fastened my pace to the bathroom which left him to stay frozen in place. He was already in his uniform, and just decided to eat his breakfast. "It didn't necessarily work.." He opened his phone, and looked through his messages.

Deku, Uraraka, and Tenya Iida is in this group chat:

<< Hey.

>> Wow! Todoroki! You actually talked in this gc for once!!!

>> Yeah! It's nice having you around here. Iida-kun is mostly studying so he doesn't talk much as well.

>> It's just me and Deku 😅

<< Oh.

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