❦Chapter 2: { Moving on }

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━"RIU! GIVE THAT BACK!" I desperately tried to take my phone back from my cousin, who's teasing me with it.

I'm currently living at my aunt's place right now. She goes by the name "Midnight" by her neighbors and is currently living with her son, Riu. He's my cousin who's still a pain in the ass despite being older than me. Although the age gap isn't that big, he should atleast have more common sense between the two of us.

But that's not really the case here.

Her husband left her 3 years ago, might've been because of Kayama-san's job. She worked as a stripper in some places, but not permanently. Usually she did it to piss off her husband for sleeping with other woman, and then the next thing I knew she was supporting the living hell out of us.

Though I really had no problem with it, not because I don't care but because Kayama-san was literally keeping us alive. Being a stripper is better than being homeless right? But alas, Riu told her to drop the job and start off fresh.

She was genuinely confused with the sudden decision, but couldn't really say no to her own son. So here we are now.. living in a crappy apartment with barely any money to support us and have something to eat.

Anyways, back from where we first started, I finally got my phone back from Riu as I held it tightly dear close to me. It wasn't anything brand new or special, but atleast it's something I can use for communication and emergencies. I mean, that was the first reason why cellphones were invented, right?

"Tsk. Fine whatever dumbass. Keep your shitty phone. Why do you keep hiding it anyway!!?"

"BECause! I know nosey rats like you are going to steal it and probably do something with it!!"

He stood up and took the remote control for the tv, before sitting beside me and rolled his eyes. "Pfft.. as if I'll do something with it. That phone is old as fuck. Even older than you maybe."

"Hey shut up!!! Atleast I actually have one and not ask my "mommy" to borrow hers just to invite a friend." I mimicked his actions making him get more angry of me. I then smirked, "Oh right. You don't have a friend. Or any friends at all!"

"That's it you little-"

"Riu! Y/n! I'm home~!!" Aunt's voice echoed through the empty hallway and we turned around to her direction. She dropped the grocery bags on the floor while I run up to her and hugged her.

"Auntie! You're back!" I say as she ruffled my hair playfully. Riu slowly walked up towards her and crossed his arms. "Where did you get the money to buy all that?"

He looked over to the groceries that was on the floor which made me curious as well. "Oh yeah auntie.. I thought you were fired from your last job at Present Mic's." She chuckled nervously and took her wallet out of her bag.

"I recently got a new job at this maid cafe! They were looking for a manager and I got lucky enough to be chosen. Amazing am I right?!" She said boasting about her new accomplishment and as always, I could only stay silent in joy and in awe.

"Yeah yeah whatever.. at least you got a new job now."

Riu walked over to his room not bothering to say anything else and closed the door immediately. Kayama-san said nothing watching him get locked in his own room again. After letting a few seconds run by, she took a deep breath before turning towards me once more.

"He never change doesn't he?" Her voice shown disappointment making me feel sad as well.

"Well it's.. Riu for you. All he ever does is just stay in his room unless he wants to eat or annoy me." I crossed my arms gazing at the door to his room. It was locked, as always. "Right.. Anyways! I have some good news for you Y/n." She swiftly changed her mood trying to lift up the atmosphere.

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