❦Chapter 12: Curiousity

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"And what may the reason be for your late arrival, L/n and Todoroki?"

My legs trembled in fear as Aizawa-sensei looked at the both of us with his deadly glare. We tried our best to catch up from the bell, but it was already too late. I heard Tsuyu-chan say that Aizawa-sensei usually arrives late. So if he already arrived before us, that means we were REALLY behind the clock.

The class looked at us with different expressions on their faces. Some stared silently, some looked with a smirk, and some looked surprised. Probably because of the fact that Todoroki was late.

While I was panicking and breathing heavily, I tried to come up with an excuse. I tried looking at Todoroki's face to ask if he have any, but to my surprise he looked oddly calm. Despite all the trouble right in front of us, he stayed the same.

Quiet and emotionless.

"No excuses huh? Well if you kids don't give me a valid excuse you're not getting away with anything. And I am going to warn you new girl, I don't take punishments lightly."

"I-uh.. We uhm— We..we.."

Todoroki looked at my hopeless, stammering self, and sighed. "We were in traffic sir." I looked at our teacher who had questionable and dreading stares at us. Aizawa-sensei then cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms tightly. "Ah.. so you were together. That explains why you weren't in your dorm last night."

'Wait.. dorms? I thought Todoroki was still living with his dad.'

"Yes. Sorry, Aizawa-sensei."

He bowed for his excuse making me bow as well. "We promise we won't be late again! And I will take note for your punishments, sir." He looked at us one last time before sighing and brought back his attention to the board. "Alright. You kids can go back to your seats now."

I scurried my scared ass to my seat and sat down as quick as I could. 'I felt like I was being on a death sentence.. No wonder students are scared of him, his stares are deadly!!' As the both of us settled in our seats, the class quietly grew suspicion and curiousity as to why we came to class together.

---------- [ T I M E • S K I P ] 𝓛𝓾𝓷𝓬𝓱 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴

"Here you go! Have a nice lunch, kid." Lunch rush said while handing out to me my food tray. He was known for being a great cook and when I first tasted his food, it was heaven. "Thank you..!!" I took my tray and went to look for my friends.

"Now where are they–"

"Girl come here!" Mina shouted from a far with a big smile. I chuckled at her actions and followed the direction where she was. "So what did you guys get?" I said, looking over to their food trays.

Mina had a bowl of natto, Sero had soup with a side of oranges, Kaminari with a deluxe burger on his plate, and last but not the least Jiro's tray with a plate of sushi. "Wow you guys picked great choices."

"What did you pick Y/n-san?" Jiro asked as she looked into my tray, "Ah! I see you picked f/f too. Not bad Y/n, I heard it tastes delicious." I took my utensil for my food and smiled at her, "Yeah! Lunch rush noticed my love for f/f so he decided to recommended it to me."


I went ahead and took a bite from my own tray of food. The others also went ahead and ate their food while Kaminari and Sero were bragging about their test grades last semester.

The table was quite lovely for a few minutes, chattering here and there like high schoolers do. The rest of the cafeteria was full of noise as well, and students were minding their own businesses with their food.

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