+Chapter One+

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Leah's P.O.V~

"My name is Dalton Rapattoni." Dalton said, keeping his eyes on me the entire time he spoke. Cole growled at him and pushed me more behind his back, Dalton's eyes still never leaving mine.

"David, take Leah inside and make sure she doesn't get out," Cole ordered. I hesitantly let go of Coles' hand and stood by Davids side, Dalton eyes still never leaving mine.

"Yes, Alpha," David gently gripped my arm and led me to the house. It felt like Dalton's eyes were burning in the back of my head even while I was walking away. Okay, is it just me or does he have staring problems? No, I don't think its just me.

"David, why does Cole despise Dalton?" I questioned. He tensed but played it off by rolling his shoulders back, acting as if his muscles are sore.

"Um I think Cole should tell you, not me, its not my place to tell you." We walked into the living room and with a gesture of his hand, I sat down conformably on the couch. My mind drifted back to Cole and Dalton. Why does he keep looking at me? Did I have something on my face? Omg, I bet it was a booger. Damnit.

Nah, I don't think that's it.

"Luna Leah, I'll be right back. Cole needs me," David rushed out. I nodded my head slowly and laid back down on the couch, resting my head on a pillow.

What to do, what to do...OH! I can- no that'll end up with me getting hurt. OR! There's this- no Cole will be pîssed by that one.

There's nothing to do. I need Cole to entertain me.

"Hellooo," I jumped and sat up right away to find Dalton standing in the doorway. I composed myself and he smirked at me. Smirk, I think that's his thing now. Maybe that can be his nickname! Oh yeah! That's it!

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Why don't you sit on my lap and we'll get things straight between the two of us," he smirked. I gaped at him and felt my cheeks turn red.

"U-uh was that suppose to be a pick up line?" I asked, my cheeks still red.

"I don't know, you tell me beautiful lady," he stood up straighter, instead of his slanting position on the doorway, and walked towards the couch sitting next to me. Like really close. To the point where if I move, my arm will brush against his.

I scooted over a bit and he scooted closer. Then I scooted away again and he scooted closer. Really? I moved away again and he moved closer, it went on like that until I almost fell off the couch. But before I could fall, he gripped the side of my waist and pulled me to him, my side was pressed against his.

"Did you tie your shoes today? 'Cause I think you're falling for me," I slapped his chest and pushed him away from me. He rubbed the part of his chest where I slapped him, and I stood up with a scowl on my face.

"Stop with the stupid cheesy pick up lines," I angrily said and he put his hands up in a surrendering way.

"Okay, okay calm down. I'll stop..." There was a brief moment of silence until he spoke again. "No wonder the sky is grey today, all the blue is in your eyes." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"My eyes are brown, not blue you idiot." I turned and began to walk away.

"Did you sit in a pile of surgar? 'Cause you got a pretty sweet àss!" He yelled from behind me. I raised my hand up to the side of my face but a little far and flipped him off.

"Oh c'mon baby, I know what else that hand can be used for." I gasped and turned to see him smirking at me, again.

"Go fuck yourself!" I spat at him.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now