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Leah's P.O.V~

-Three Years Later-

I laugh as I watch Rosie with Cole. She giggles and runs away, trying to get away from his 'monster hands.' Cole growls and snatches Rosie up in the air, spinning her around and pretending to bite her neck. She shrieks in freight and uses her tiny hands to push him away.

"Mmm, delicious." Cole grins and sets her down. I stand up straight from my slouching position against the doorway to the backyard.

"Cole! Rosie! Time to eat!" Their attention is to me and both of their eyes grow wide.

"Food!" Cole and Rosie shout, running to me. Rosie dashes pass me and into the dining room, but Cole stops in front of me and kisses me on the lips gently. I kiss back and he pulls away, wrapping his strong arms around me.

"I love you." He whispers and squeezes me to him. I smile and blush, feeling shy all of a sudden which makes him laugh.

"I love you, too." I whisper back just as quiet, feeling our mate bond between us spark up. "Come on let's eat." I grab his hand and pull him to the dining room table. He sits down on one end and I serve the plates. Our friends should be arriving soon.

Just then, I hear the front door slam open and sets of pounding feet hit the ground in a hurry. I guess they smelled the food. Dana, Gabe, Will, David, Julie, Nikki, and Jordyn pile into the dining room. They each sit down in their seats and start chatting away.

I sit down in the other end of the table and start eating. Rosie has her special seat next to me. I quickly place her food on the small table and she begins to dig in. From the other end of the table, I catch Cole staring at me.

I look at him and smile, unable to do anything else. He smiles back with a shiny gleam in his eye. Love. It makes my heart pound all the more faster.

So far, the evil that used to haunt us hasn't come back. We haven't heard from Dalton, although I still have a certain unexplainable feeling about him. However, I went back to high school and graduated with my class. Cole didn't need to since he has been to high school for many, many years. So he stayed home with Rosie and took care of her. That was one hell of a sight.

We now run a successful pack. We've made friends with other packs and we also haven't been threatened by anyone for a long time.

My relationship with Cole grew stronger and more firm. It's as if nothing could break it.

And now we're here. All of us sitting around the table, laughing and playing with each other. If there is one word I could explain this, it would be family. We all grew closer to each other and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Cole smiles at me with such love that it warms my heart. I know now that nothing and no one can get between us. We're unbreakable.

And it's going to stay that way for as long as we live. Which will be a very long time.


So yeah that's the end of the story. Wow I actually completed it. I'm so proud of myself. Thank you to the ones who stuck with me on this journey. I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did.

Can you do me a favor and go follow my other account at sugg_uh_muffin please??? I'm working on an awesome story which will be published sometime soon. Thank you for everything guys. I love youuuussss.

Until next time (because I am doing more stories) yours truly,

Sarah-Rose Aguilar.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now