+Chapter nine+

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Cole's P.O.V~

"Okay David do that, but make sure the balloons arrive on time," I said sternly and he replied into the phone with a quick 'yes Alpha' then hung up. I waited anxiously for every thing to be done already and eyed everyone like a hawk. Things had to be done right and perfect for Leah's surprise party.

Nothing was to be missing or out of place, not one thing. If something were to go missing or out of place then you better believe I'll go outraged. I know I may be overreacting, but it's the first time I've spent her birthday with her. Of course I didn't forget and I wasn't going to since the first time she told me I made a mental note to remember.

I made sure everything was just what she liked and it took forever since her style and liking is hard to figure out.

"Alpha, where does the jumper go?" Gabe asked. Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Why does a seventeen year-old that's almost turning eighteen have a jumper at her party?' Well, I'll tell you why and it's because I know Leah and her personality.

It wasn't hard to guess that she'd love a huge jumper at her party. Leah is funny and childish but also serious and caring so this party reflects everything about her.

But I didn't get a clown since I hate those things. They're creepy and I don't think the little werewolf pups would like it since they're still kids and scared of most things. But not everything.

"Tell the man to put it by the water slide and don't break anything," I said sternly. Gabe nodded his head and started ordering the jumper man to place it by the waterslide.

So basically, Leah's party is almost like a kid party. She'll love it.

And the best part is, is that she doesn't even know.

Leah's P.O.V~

"Dana why are we here? Let's go home!" I whined, smacking his arm like a child.

"I'm sorry Luna but you can't go home yet, let's just shop!" He jumped up and down while I stared at him confused. Isn't it suppose to be the other way around? Like I'm suppose to be excited and he's the one who wants to leave. Trust me, I do like shopping, but I'm not in the mood right now.

I'm too tired and lazy and I just want to be sad in my bed alone.

Why, you ask. Well because it seems like everyone forgot my birthday that's today. How wonderful. Note sarcasm.

"Shop? Today? Why? I want to leave! Take me home!" I stomped my foot on the ground and ordered. Dana looked like he was contemplating on taking me home or staying; I think we're staying just by the final look on his face. I sighed and glared at him.

"Aren't you suppose to listen to me? I am your Luna Dana," I reminded. Never once did I think I'd play this card on anyone, let alone Dana.

"I-I know that Luna. . .but Alpha gave me strict instructions to keep you-" he stopped abruptly, knowing he was gonna say something he wasn't suppose to. Keep me where? Here? What! I can't stay here forever!

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now