+Chapter Twelve+

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Leah's P.O.V~

Darkness covered the room, except the beaming light coming through the window by the Moon. The Moon. It feels like it's calling to me, I have an urge to just get up and do something. But I don't know what yet. Cole lays behind me, cuddling into my backside, but all I want to do is go outside. To be with the Moon.

I whimpered, the urge growing stronger by the second. It's gotten to the point where it hurts to just lay here and not fulfill my need.

Cole tightened his hold on my waist when I tried pulling away, I groaned quietly.

"Cole," I whined, dragging on the last three letters. He hummed in a groan, squirming behind me. His arm loosened quickly and I felt his elbow prop himself up from behind me.

"Leah why are you awake?" he asked, while I turned around to see him rubbing his eyes. His messy hair made him look hot, his tired eyes and sloppy smile only making him hotter. No, sexy. Yep, there yah go!

"The Moon-" he interrupted me.

"C'mon, hurry!" He quickly rushed off the bed, throwing on some sweats and a T-shirt. I followed quickly without questioning. The thought of satisfying my need shutting me up. Cole raced to the door with me behind and opened it wide enough. He looked like he was in a rush, and I don't know why.

"Cole why are we running?" I questioned, keeping up wit him and now that I'm a Lycan it isn't as hard as it used to be. Well it wasn't so hard before, it was just laziness, but I know I could still beat him at racing. Maybe, I don't know he is an Alpha and they're stronger. But isn't a Lycan stronger than a regular werewolf?

I'm not so sure about that. I mean, David did say something about the Lycan senses being stronger. Did he ever mention speed?

"You have to shift once we get outside. The Moon needs to shine on you so that your body doesn't weaken. Don't ask how it happens because I don't know. It's just something all new born werewolves and Lycans have to do after they shift. I had to do it." He explained, opening up the front door and running out with me right beside him.

We both stopped by the tall dark green trees and he looked at me expectantly. I raised my eyebrows, my eyes flickering to him and towards the trees. With my hand, I motioned for him to turn around. He gave me an 'are you kidding me look?' and rolled his eyes, turning to face the trees.

I know he's seen my body before, but I'm still self conscious from time to time.

Once undressed, I relaxed my body and let my inner wolf take control. My second shift wasn't as pain full as the first, in fact, I couldn't even feel most of it. My wolf Maddie howled up at the Moon in joy, I knew Cole turned to face me, and then I felt refreshed, almost new kind of.

Cole smiled down at me, crouching and rubbing the top of my head. I leaned into his touch, purring at the feeling and then pulling back.

I jumped up and landed on my front paws, my lower half bending up, my eyes looking into Cole's eye's, challenging him. He got on to what I was doing, and shifted into his all black wolf.

I've always loved his wolf.

His wolf Caine circled around me, playfully growling at me here and there. I growled back, lowering my head and lunging towards him. Cole lunged towards me too, knocking me down without much force and pinned me to the ground.

Playfully growling at him, I kicked him off of me, adrenaline rushing through my veins from the excitement. He gave me a wolfy grin, running towards the dark forest and I followed behind him closely. He wanted to play and so do I.

We both chased each other, fought, tackled, and had fun until the sun started to come up from behind the huge mountains. I climbed up the hill, Cole following close behind, and stared at the sky. Orange and yellow painted the sky, fading into each other to make a masterpiece.

I gaped at the sky, my eyes completely mesmorized by the colors blending. Cole bumped his head into my shoulder, getting my attention. We faced each other, love glimmering behind his eyes. His tongue slipped out of his mouth to give my snout a lick. I crinkled my snout - as best as I could - and pushed his head away with mine.

I laid down, my feet behind me and paws in front of me, still staring at the sun to come show itself. Cole laid down beside me, his upper half close to me and lower half away from me.

We both gazed at each other, his brown eyes capturing mine.

The amount of love and warmth we have for each other couldn't compare to anything else. I love him so much that it's crazy. How did I get so lucky to have someone like him?


"Why do I always get stuck with idiots like you? How did you even become part of the pack?" I asked astonished, looking towards the four kids ruining the living room, again.

"To answer your question; Cole couldn't let us go off and find a different pack," Gabe started, smacking David on the arm, in which he growled back at him.

"He said something like, 'even though you guys are children, I know that one day you'll be there to protect someone I love' or something like that," Dana continued, flicking Gabe on the shoulder.

"Also the part where we're all best friends since before he became Alpha," Will finished, scooting away from Dana because he had a creepy look on his face. His eyes sparked with deviousness, creepy smile on his face, and his hands out in front of him like a zombie. Will sneakily grabbed a pillow and smacked him with it, Dana fell back into the couch.

Okay, that was weird.

Why does Cole always leave me alone with them?

Eh, they're funny anyways.


Please Vote and Comment! Sorry for the small chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!! I got a graduation party to get to in a while and I'm so excited! My cousin did my makeup and I look really different!

Anyways this chapter was more like a filler. I'll make sure that the next update will be longer!

Okay bye my lovelies!!

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now