+Chapter Sixteen+ Read A/N At End

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Cole's P.O.V~

She laid there, lips parted, hair messily swung to the right side of her head, and face relaxed. Her legs perched up on Danny's lap, head laying on mine comfortably.

The break down she had really wore her out, and even before that I knew she was exhausted. It was just a matter of minutes until she passed out completely either on Danny or me. But the way it looks, Danny would've most likely preferred her to pass out on him. He cares for her and knew that he had to leave her for her own safety.

And now that he's back, she isn't safe anymore.

No one around her is, not our pack, her family, Danny, her grandma, neither am I.

It all comes down to the question; am I going to deal with that thought?

Yes, I will deal with it if it means that in the end everything will get back to normal. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

"You know why she had a break down?" Danny asked, breaking the silence we've had going since she fell asleep. His fingers stroked through her hair and his other rubbing her arm. I nodded my head instead of talking, knowing it'd be better to just stay silent. "She was thinking about the time she found me dead by the river next to her house. I probably should've just disappeared instead, it would've been easier on her other than to have to see me like that." His voice cracked throughout his sorrow speech.

My eye's dropped down to her, a light smile on her face by the dream she's having, I'm guessing. I know when she's awake though, it's by the sound of her heartbeat, which I love listening to. It gives me peace of mind that she's here with me and not somewhere she isn't suppose to be.

"I never left her, I was always looking after her." He smiled at me knowingly and that's when a blush crawled up my neck. Okay, that's embarrassing. "Ever since I saw you and your friends take her and drive away, I think that's when all the bad started to come into her life. I could see a change in her when I would stare at her from her window when she was sleeping. I know it sounds crazy - and kinda creepy - but it was the only way sadness wouldn't and loneliness wouldn't eat me alive."

"That explains the feeling of some one watching us every now and then. I would just get a feeling here and there from time to time, but I especially got it at her birthday party." A thought dawned onto me and thats when I scooted away unconformably from him. Leah groaned in complaint and I stopped moving.

Danny stared at me with a glint of recognition in his eye's. "Yeah, her birthday party. I especially remember what happened after it." He laughed at me, the never ending blush on my cheeks heating. I looked away in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, the other lycans held me back from barging in there." He joked, my cheeks feeling hotter than usual. "It's fine really, I got use to seeing her with some one that takes care of her, well, except all the time's she was taken. At least you always got her back to safety with you."

"So were you there when she kicked one of my best fighters butt?" I asked, the thought of that day making me smile.

"Yes I was, she's something isn't she? And I also saw you looking at her butt most of the time, too." He teased me again. Oh gosh, the things I do always come back to haunt me.

"I have no words." And I seriously didn't. How do you explain to her cousin, one of her family members, on why I was staring at her butt most of the time? That would be awkward, and it was mostly Caine's fault. He told me to.

Yes I did, Caine replied, giving me a wolfy grin.

I ignored him and listened to Danny.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now