+Chapter Twenty+ A/N

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Cole's P.O.V

The house shook, the walls cracking and moving, glass breaking and creating more of a mess. Blood spilled from my mouth, my right eye bruised. Swinging my right fist into the guys face, I kicked him afterwards when he went down, my foot colliding with his stomach hard. Turning to my left, I see Daniel downing down the black potion bottle. The one where you could be anything you want by just a thought.

His body began to shake in ripples and then his eye's turn completely black. In just matter of seconds, he's sprinting through the ruckus we created as a Lion his claws digging into other peoples skin.

I shook my head, of course.

"Cole!" My head snapped in the direction of the voice, my eye's landing on the one person I dreaded to see but expected to see.

"James." I spat at him venomously, glaring at his eye's that are switching red.
He needs to go.

"You made a mistake. Letting them live, letting them roam the Earth. You betrayed us, your family." He glared at me while I scoffed.

"Family? Is that what you call it? You were never my family, none of you were." I sneered angrily.

Suddenly, the glare on his lips vanished and a smirk replaced it. His eye's hinting something I couldn't understand.

"That's not what you used to say. Remember? All the times you came home covered in blood, and we would talk over a glass of wine and you'd say we were your family. Who's blood was it Cole? Certainly not just random people you killed. And I had to tell your mate that. Remember that Cole? The fear in her eye's. You could sense it but she never showed it." My blood boiled, fist clenched at my sides. "You used to kill Lycans for fun! We thought they were extinct but you showed us that they weren't!"

Oh, he struck a nerve alright. Bringing up the past and Leah in it.

"You're dead." Immediately, my feet began to take charge and run to him at full speed. His eye's stayed red and I knew his power was trying to stop me, I could feel. But what he didn't know is that I didn't come unprepared.

Before we barged in, I drank the clear potion. It makes a shield come over you so that no one can control your body, but they still can physically hurt you.

James's eyes' widened when he realized his power wasn't working on me. His arms covered his face once I came up to him and swung at him. Now that he's powerless, this makes everything much more interesting.

His body flew back into the wall he hit before. This time he ended up going through it.

"You're done James, you and your brothers. You can't hurt anyone any more," I spat at him.

"Says who?" He grunted, spitting blood from his mouth and getting out of the wall. "You can't stop me, none of you can."

"You're right, we can't but try can." I smirked, snapping my fingers. "Ashton!" Seconds later he emerged from the crowd of bodies who are still attacking each other. Three close friends of his trailing behind him.

"Ashton." James growled. So they do know each other. Figures.

"Long time since I've see you." Ashton smirked, stopping just beside me with his three witch friends close by.

"Who are they?" James nodded his head to the three young ladies. For witches that have been living for a long time, they still look young. Probably spells they've done on themselves.

"This one is Evie," he pointed to the brown haired girl who's standing next to him. "-Margret," then pointed to the blond headed girl who's standing next to Evie. "-and this is Rachel. My witch friends."

James's eye's widened at the mention of witches but quickly acted as if it didn't faze him.

Ethan and Derrek came to stand next to their older brother, crossing theirs arms and giving us skeptical looks. Just when Ethan was about to talk, Ashton spoke, saying the one thing I had been hoping for.

"Now!" He shouted. Evie, Margret and Rachel both stepped forward, pushing us back. Evie sent James and his brothers flying to the wall behind them, the one with the hole but not quite next to it. Rachel began moving her hand next to her thigh, swirling it in a circle until purple smoke started to fall from her hands, a smirk on her lips.

Evie stepped back from James and his brothers, their bodies sticking to the wall, not being able to move one limb. Margret and Evie copied Rachel's actions', free smoke coming from Margret and red smoke coming from Evie.

So I'm assuming Evie is the oldest? I don't know maybe.

They started mumbling words together at try same time. It sounds so different, like no other language I've heard. But I don't think this is a language.

Theirs hands started to lift up, palms out and facing The Originals. Then, with a loud shout, their smoke raced to James and his brothers, engulfing them almost instantly until all we could see is red, purple, and green mixing together.

Screams came from James and his brothers, screams of pain and torture. Just like the screams of their old victims. Now they get to see how pain feels.

Satisfied and tired, I turned and headed off to the car I came in. The bright light from behind me still shining blindly told me that it isn't finished yet.

What will happen to The Originals? Will they turn human or still be werewolves? Well, we can't kill them but that doesn't mean we can't turn them back to normal. Suddenly a thought dawned onto me, if we turn them back to normal then they'll be really old and die since they have lived for so long.

I got to tell Ashton this!

"Cole! Where are you going man?" I turned around and met eye's with Ashton.

"Oh good it's you. Listen you can't turn them back to human because-"

"Wait- what are you talking about? I know not to turn them back to human because they'll die from old age. I already told Evie, Margret, and Rachel this. Don't worry dude. But where are you going?" A breath of relief escaped my lips, my heart calming down.

I faced him again but then glanced back at the car where Leah now lays in the back seat where I had put her before things got ugly. The answer to his question popped into my head quickly.

"I'm going home."


Booyah! Am I good or am I good?! Haha don't answer that. Wow I left you guys hanging tho. #Clifhanger

Anyways please Vote, Comment, and Share for me because if you absolutely love this book then you'll do it.


There's going to a HUGE surprise coming up later in the story. Someone (you know who you are) almost gave that away.

Well that's all for today. Bye my lovelies!

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now