+Chapter Five+

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Leah's P.O.V~

"Hey! Stop that! Wait, wait, wait don't touch that! Ugh! Why would you throw it at the wall? Gabe! Sit your àss down! Dana, stop twerking! Will stop smacking Gabe!" I shouted and looked around frustratingly. Children.

"OW! Will, stop smacking me! Luna!" Gabe yelled. Will innocently looked down and blushed because Gabe and me were looking at him now. Well I was glaring at him and everyone.

"Dana you do not have an àss! Stop it!" David shouted and reached out to push Dana but he moved away.

"Can't touch this!" Dana shouted-singed while doing that ridiculous dance.

"Okay enough!" I shouted, getting everyone's attention for once since the last fifteen minutes I was left alone with them. Cole left to meet up with another Alpha so I was left here with these four idiots.

"Outside now! If you're gonna act like children and be immature then you're gonna grow up by the time I'm done with you!" I shouted again.

"Yes Luna," they all muttered in unsion and got up to leave outside.

After they left, I cleaned up their mess and met them outside. They were fighting and I groaned in annoyance. Don't they ever stop?

"Okay! Enough!" I shouted - for what seemed the millionth time - and they all stopped fighting. I pointed at Dana and Gabe and motioned them to the floor. "I want a hundred push ups now!" They groaned but complied and started doing them.

Then I pointed to Will and David and pointed to the floor again. "I want a hundred sit ups now!" They also groaned but began to do what I demanded.

"Luna," Dana whined and I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you whining? Don't you guys train all the time?" I questioned.

"We do...but this was our day off," Gabe groaned.

"Oh who cares, do it or face other consequences that are more severe," I said in a stern tone.


For what seemed like forever - for them - they finally finished what I asked them to do. I knew it was gonna tire them out and it did exactly that. Now, they're laying down on the grass breathing heavily. Good.

They shouldn't have made that mess and acted like complete five year-olds.

"Okay, you guys can go into the house and rest," I said and turned my attention to a car pulling up. Dalton walked out smirking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you Luna," they mumbled.

I began to walk in after them until his hand caught my forearm. I didn't even have to look to know who it is. "Oh c'mon, don't ignore me," he said in a playful tone. I snatched my arm away from him and glared up at him. Stupid shortness. These are the times where I hate being short. I don't even look intimidating.

"Get away from me Dalton, just leave, you've caused enough problems," I hissed and turned around. But much to my disappointment, he grabbed my waist and made my back crash into his chest. His right arm was hugging my stomach to keep my arms down, and his other is on my hip where his mark is.

"I don't like it when you leave, I'm trying to have a conversation with you," he dangerously whispered in my ear slowly. I struggled in his hold, but it only tightened around me.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now