+Chapter Two+

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Leah's P.O.V~

"Leah, beautiful, wake up," a quiet soothing voice whispered in my ear. I felt a hand lightly push at my hip and rub up and down. Something was different. The touch was different. Who the hell is touching me? Wait, its not Cole because he doesn't call me beautiful for a nickname. Oh gosh.

I gasped sitting up and pushing the hand away from me. My eyes widened when I saw Dalton laying next to me, a smirk plastered on his face.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted at him. I'm sitting down with my hands holding me up from behind, my legs slightly outstretched forward. My breathing increased making my chest rise and fall.

He began to crawl towards me on his hands and knees, trying to scare me. Well he doesn't need to try, 'cause its working perfectly. I shrieked when his hands pulled at my feet, making my body lay down unwillingly. Just now did I realize I wasn't wearing the same clothes, I'm wearing pajama shorts and a tank top.

His hand muffled my scream and then he leaned down to my ear. "You'll soon be mine beautiful, don't forget that. Cole can't protect you all the time," he whispered to me. I felt his hand- the one that wasn't over my mouth- trail down my arm and to my stomach, and soon it reached my hip. I struggled against him, fighting to get away.

He harshly gripped my hip, his nails digging into my skin. I let the tears flow down and cries from my mouth, but sadly they're being muffled by his hand. Just when I thought he was gonna pull away, his nails dug deeper into the skin of my hip. My hands grasped his and I tried pulling them away, but he was too strong.

"This is my mark baby," he whispered against my earlobe, lightly biting it. His grip on me loosened and I pushed him away with little strength I had. I gasped for air, my chest rising and falling at a fast pace from lack of air. Why the hell didn't I breath through my nose? I'm so smart guys.

"W-why did y-you mark m-me like that?" I weakly asked, my voice stuttering and cracking while I spoke.

"If I marked you by biting then you would've died, your body is only met for one mark and that's Coles'. If you have two then your body will lose control and shut down, just be greatful I didn't mark you the right way," he sat up and gestured for me to also stand up using his hand. Where's Cole?

As if reading my mind, he answered my unknown question. "After you blacked out, Cole laid you on the bed and told David to watch after you. I told David to leave and let me do it, and gladly he didn't protest. To answer your question, he's in a meeting with other Alpha's," he answered.

I nodded my head and stood up without protesting. Fear is all I feel right now. Dalton gripped my hand and pulled me to the mirror that's on the wall. We both faced it with him behind me and me in the front of him. He moved my shirt up by my hip and I gasped seeing the blue and purple mark slowly becoming prominent on my skin.

He smirked at me through the mirror while I looked at my hip in horror. How the hell am I suppose to keep this from Cole?! He's gonna flip if he sees this!

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now