+Chapter Three+

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Leah's P.O.V~

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled excitedly when I stepped out of the car. They were both outside, mom watering the plants and dad washing the car. Eventually, they both stopped what they were doing and ran towards me, smiles plastered on their faces.

"Leah!! Honey, we've missed you so much!" Mom said, on the verge of tears. She hugged me tightly and soon enough dad joined in. A huge smile made its way to my face, happiness taking over the feeling of loneliness at the moment. But it won't be here for long.

"I've missed you guys too," I gave them one final squeeze and pulled away.

"How come you're here? Don't you have a boyfriend to be with," she teased. Right now, the happiness was fully gone and a frown replaced the smile. Possibly forever.

"Well I um- had to leave. Things were getting out of hand at the moment..." I trailed off trying to not go back even though I wanted to. My body felt weak and cold, only Coles' comforting arms can satisfy my loneliness right now.


I shook my head at the thought of him right now and pulled a fake smile on my face right now.

"I was wondering if I could possibly stay here for a while...just until I feel like I can go back." They both nodded their heads and my mom took my hand in hers.

"You're always welcomed here sweetie! C'mon, I made dinner!" She announced. I laughed, the sound coming out dry and unhappy.

I'll never survive without him here, I know that.

Damn this mate bond.

Cole's P.O.V~

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?! I WANT TO KNOW NOW, OR ELSE I'LL HOLD ALL OF YOU RESPONSIBLE!!" I growled out, throwing the table across the living room. They all looked at the floor, flinching every time something was thrown by me.

"W-we don't k-know A-Alpha, we d-didn't see h-her leave," a girl about the age of fifteen stuttered, still not giving me the answer I really want. I growled at her then at them, they all whimpered with their heads down.

"I want all of you to search for her, if she isn't here by the crack of dawn then someone is going to pay for it. Do you hear?!" I shouted using my Alpha voice. They furiously nodded their heads and scurried off, except one.

David, my beta.

"What could you possibly want right now David?!" I growled at him. He stood his ground and held my gaze, which only pîssed me off even more.

"Alpha, I know where she is," he announced. That's where I flipped.

I lunged at him and tackled him to the ground, pinning his hands down and growling in his face.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?! When I asked!!" I tightened my grip on his wrist, the blood circulation not meeting his hands anymore that's for sure.

"Alpha, p-please let m-me explain," he pleaded but it only pîssed me off even more than before. I felt my eyes turn pitch black and that's when Caine started to try and claw his way out. I struggled to push him back in my mind. Not now Caine!

"You could've explained when I fûcken asked!!" Right when I was about to loose control even more, I felt a sharp pain on the side of my hip. What the fûck?! I growled and looked to see who did that, only to find the person I've been missing so much.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now