+Chapter eight+

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Leah's P.O.V~

I soon left the hospital when the mark on my hip healed and I didn't feel anymore pain. Surprisingly, it healed fast, but I guess it's because I'm a Lycan now.

Now, all I have to do is wait.

I have to wait until the day I actually turn into one, and I'm officially not wanting that day to come.

Cole hasn't spoken to me in two days. Although, we've slept in the same bed and ate together for the last two days. Believe me when I say it was awkward, like really awkward.

I've at least tried to talk to him, but all he does is give me short answers. He's officially turned into that one-word guy. Sometimes, the questions I ask him and he answers doesn't even make sense as to what I'm asking.

Like I asked, "Should I wear the blue or red top today?" All he said was, "Okay."

Does that make sense? Tell me if it does because it doesn't to me. Not one bit. I've talked to David about it and all he said was to give him some space. Well, its been two days and he's had enough space.

Just give him more space, he's probably not used to you being a Lycan and all. I sighed frustratingly at the voice in my head and threw a pillow at the ground.

"Woah there, what did the pillow ever do to you?" David walked in my room and sat at the edge of the bed. I rolled my eyes at him and threw another pillow but at him, though he caught it. Stupid doggie.

"David leave me be, I need to rest." I said and threw my body back into the mattress.

A knock on the door interrupted David before he could reply to me. David and me watched Cole barely walk in and stand by the door. He looked towards me and I raised an eyebrow. Cole cleared his throat and looked to David who was starring at him already.

"Um, David I need to talk to. . .to Leah," he stated. I rolled my eyes at him and covered my face with the pillow next to me. Now he wants to talk to me? No, he doesn't get to.

I felt the bed move and then footsteps leading out the door. It took a second for me to feel the bed dip by me again.

"Leah?" Cole asked.

"What?" I said, itrritaion evident in my voice.

"Can we. . .talk?" He asked.

"Mhmm," I mumbled through the pillow. So soft and it smells like him.

Okay not the time Leah.

"I wanted to talk about how I've been distant for the last couple days. I um, needed to clear my head and I couldn't think straight with you always distracting me, I'm sorry." Bullshît. All of it is bullshît. How dare he do that to me just because he had to clear his head!

I felt all the anger rush through me. Oh he's gonna get it.

I sat up and through the pillow at him, which he caught easily and then I glared at him.

"Now Leah, don't do anything stupid. Calm down," he said in a warning tone.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I've been calm all this time since you've been distant and all that shît! How dare you do that to me! I actually worried about you wondering if you were okay and now you come in here giving me a small meaningless apology and expect me to just forgive you?! You hurt me, I felt like an idiot! I felt like you didn't want me anymore!" I shouted and got up from the bed, now standing in front of him since he's standing also.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now