+Chapter Twenty Two+ Part One

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Leah's P.O.V~

"Hey man! Get your own fries!" Gabe shouted, pushing David away while glaring at him. David smiled innocently, the fries showing in his teeth.

"Ugh! Control your mate Emily!" Gabe said, talking to Davids' mate. She shook her head, pulling David to her. Their daughter ran around with Will and his mate Nikki - that I barely found out about this morning. She's also a Lycan and came from the group that Daniel was in. They look very happy together.

"Luna Leah let's do something today," Dana whined, pouting his bottom lip. Julie 'awwed' and gave him a hug which made him happy instantly.

"Well what do you guys want to do today?" I asked, looking around at everybody. They shrugged and looked at each other. Cole suddenly gasped and his eye's lit up wide in excitement.

"Let's have a Crazy Friday!"

"It's Thursday." Dana deadpanned.

"A Crazy Thursday!" Cole corrected.

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted, getting up and jumping around.

"David and Will go get music and food, Nikki and Julie set up the stage by decorating it crazily, Gabe and Dana you know what to do," Cole said, giving them a knowing look to which they got immediately. "And Leah-"

I gave him a look. He better not give me something hard. Like hell will I be sweating all day. This is suppose to be a fun day. He hesitated, 'uuhhing' every now and then.

"Just tell the pack to get ready for fun day?" He said unsure.

"That's more like it." I walked away, hearing him sigh from behind me but I knew a smile was on his face.


In just two hours we got everything ready. It went by fast since the entire pack helped out and soon enough we're here, standing and admiring our work.

The stage by the meeting room looks amazing. Julie and Nikki really did a great job on it. Jordyn helping them.

They put four fake palm trees next to the stage in different positions and on the other side of the stage are three others. A huge billboard stood with the help of two thick logs supporting each side, a pic of the beach and the sun plastered on it, the waves a clear blue that fade into the sand. Surf boards lay against the side of the billboard and either side on the floor of the stage which is draped over with a huge curtain that's blue and resembles the ocean, fishes every color showing on it. Beach balls and sandcastles - literally sand castles made of sand - are on the edge of the stage where the curtain shows a sandy area. Lights stream across the stage, hanging up a few feet in the air making it seem like the stars.

Two tables are along the sides of the stage, decorated with beach supplies. This is awesome! A beach themed Crazy Thursday!

"You guy's this looks incredible!" I complimented the three girls.

"It took a few other strong werewolves but it did come out great," Nikki said, brushing invisible dirt off her shoulder. I laughed and the other girls joined in.

"Oh my gosh! We have to go get ready!" Julie shouted. You could practically see the excitement on her face.

"We had to get ready?" I asked confused.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now