I'm Really Sorry

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Hey guys, so um, this is very hard for me to say. I've been thinking for a while and I just. . .I can't write anymore. It hurts me a lot because I love to write, it's my escape from everything and everyone.

I have no idea if I'll come back and continue and maybe with a whole bunch of chapters but I don't know yet.

I'm just going through some hard times, I'm struggling a lot in life and I just need to focus on one thing. Please don't hate me, it'll only make me feel worse about myself.

And the contest I'm doing I need to stop for now. Sorry for the disappointment, I really am sorry. And I don't know maybe I'll update once after this or once I finish the chapter I've been working on.

Well, this is it. I'll be back soon, hopefully when I feel great, but yeah.

Bye my lovelies, see you soon.


The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now