+Chapter Twenty Three+ Part Two

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Please read A/N at the end.

Leah's P.O.V~

It's the next day now. Which means that there's a lot of trash in the backyard and now we're forced to clean it up.

This is the aftermath of having a party.

It sucks so if you ever do think about having a party, expect to clean up the trash afterwards.

"Leah I don't want to do this anymore," Julie whined from behind me. She's picking up all the cups that used to contain alcohol.

"I'm sorry but you have-" I cut myself off when a feeling erupted from within my stomach.

Now, it could be from the food we ate today, which David made. Don't ever except food from him. Most of it was burnt.

Or it could be something supernatural happening to me right now. Just a lucky guess.

I clutched onto my stomach at the thought, and looked to Julie who was by my side.

"You okay, Leah?" I nodded my head and walked away, leaving her behind.

"Just continue cleaning," I breathed out, pushing myself to move up the stairs.

Since the mate bond practically makes you one with your other half, the slight pain I'm feeling right now Cole must've felt.

He was by my side in no time, helping me up the back stairs. His right arm wrapped around my waist, and the left guiding us up as he practically lifted me off the ground.

"What's happening?" I ask breathlessly, confused as to why I'm breathless.

"The Red Moon necklace is calling out to you, you need to shift and get it from wherever you hid it." He responds.

"But why? And what about Julie? She can't know." I stated, feeling my lungs work fast.

Leah, Julie is the last thing you should be worrying about right now, Maddie interrupted, if we don't go to where you hid the necklace then tons of pack members could die.

At the information, I nodded and let go of Cole. Julie is still in the backyard cleaning, so I'll just shift in the front yard.

I speed walked to the front yard with Cole right next to me, ignoring the pain now happening on the side of my stomach. Once I got to the front, without any warning, I ran and shifted forward. Cole didn't follow me, knowing full well not to because I hid it from him and was told not to tell anyone.

I was only minutes away from the river when I heard a voice in the back of my mind. It was low and soft.

Leah, hurry. There's trouble coming. And just as the voice stopped, I made it to the river.

I rushed in the river to the rock in human form, not caring if I am naked, where I hid the necklace and pulled out the little box it was contained in. Opening it, I placed back the box under the rock and put the necklace on.

The Newborn Lycan (IM5 fanfic - Cole Pendery) Book #2Where stories live. Discover now