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The next morning, out of habit in wake up and go to grab aspirin off the bed side table. But when I get up no pain nothing. I feel arms keeping me down, not tightly but loosely. I smile to myself remembering who it is. if he was reading my mind he smiles and wakes up slowly. "Hey" he mutters rubbing his eyes open. "Ashy-" I groan "I'm hungry" I whine and he sits up. "For what?" He asks seductively "food" I laugh and he smiles. He pulls me on top of him and kisses me."not even a little bit of purdy?" He asks. "Little bit of purdy" I confirm and kiss him. We make out for at least ten or so minutes before I get up. "And now I want food" I tell him and waltz out of the room after putting my shirt back on. I walk down the stares and see CC and jinx at the table drinking a coffee each, "Andy!" Jinxx beams when I slip on the last step. "Hey jinxx" I reply. "How are you feeling?" He quizzes then taking another gulp of his coffee "fine" I reply cooly. "Hungover?" He asks smiling at me. "No..." I say unsure if that was the correct answer. "Yes!" CC and jinxx both say at the same time. I raise and eyebrow at them in suspicion "huh?" I say confused. "CC told me you didn't ask for a drink last night" jinxx explains. "Was I honestly that bad?" I ask taking a seat beside CC after I get my coffee "worse" CC mumbles under his breath. "Oh cee-"'I start. I want to hug him because he feels so bad about this. So I do exactly that. "I'm sorry" I finish and he just shrugs. "I will take you to a theme park today...." I try to reason CC pulls away and then smiles like a kid who got his way....we'll I suppose he did. "Yeah Andy!" CC yells excited "cee babe little loud?" Says jake from the doorway. Jinxx is in a laughing fit and CC is so excited he is shaking. "Sorry baby" CC says and jumps up giving jake a side hug. "But Andy is taking me to the theme park" CC teases and jake laughs "nope me too!" Says jinxx from behind us. "I have to go with you to make sure nobody uh-" jake tries to think. "It's okay you can come" I laugh and he smiles CC and jake smile and laugh. "I'm gonna get changed!" Yells CC from the stairway as he runs up it. "Calm down bro" I heat Ashley say as he comes down. "What's happening?" He asks and then pops out of nowhere. "Theme park" jinxx mumbles. "Andy you going?" He asks raising an eyebrow "I'm shouting the trip" I say and turn around to put my mug away along with CC's abandoned one and jinxx's "naw what about meeeee" he whines. "I never said you weren't allowed to come" I laugh and he smiles lacing his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. "What?" We hear two curious voices behind us and we turn around "forgot to tell you, he's mine" Ashley tells them. Jake fan girls...well fan boys and jinxx gasps "since....?" He asks worried. "Last night" I answer this time and he shrugs and leans back "so is this why you stopped?" He asks "yeah" I whisper looking down and turning back around. Keeping my hair in my face to only hope Ashley and the boys don't see my ashamed face, it is true though I am so ashamed that I got like this. I made CC upset and Ashley and my friends worry.

About an hour later we arrive at this park. A big water park CC insisted. And because this was his trip I agreed no arguments. I pay for our admittance and CC takes one look at the inside and his eyes were almost out of his head. 4 maybe 5 girls walk past and flash us all kind but desperate smiles. Jake and Ashley sigh and I smile. Ashley and I have only been dating for a day, actually, not even but he is still so protective, we wander around the park looking for rides and there was one CC apparently NEEDED to go on. It was a huge waterside that I can only suspect makes your ears pop when you get up there, "I'm NOT going up that!" Exclaims jinxx and Ashley. "CC no fuckin way" jake shakes his head at CC. CC looks disheartened and looks down shyly I suspect. I push my lips together and slip off my shirt. I covered my scars and cuts as best I could with waterproof concealer and smile that it's completely hidden. "I can't remember saying I won't go up there with you" I smile and Ashley raises and eyebrow and smiles shaking his head. Before anyone could ask "if I was sure" CC had me up the stairs already when we got up there I look down at the boys, they looked like dots among the other dots. Now would not be a good time to mention my fear of heights. "Andy you don't have to" CC says from behind me. "No I'm fine!" I smile and stand behind a few teenagers, three girls in Fluor matching bikinis smile and wink at us, CC and I laugh and wait for some more, if inly they knew we were gay they'd run over the railing away from us, when our turn comes I glance at CC who seems pumped and I feel pale. "Okay!" Shouts the guy controlling it and we get on together. I feel for CC's hand and I find it looking for mine I smile at him and then we go, so many corners I forget what number I'm up too, so many bumps I'm sure I wills be sore tomorrow. But yet it was so much fun slipping around this thing, about halfway you cannot only hear CC laughing in happiness but myself also, but all too soon it was over, and CC and I forced our boyfriends up there, Ashley was really hard to do so but we got him up there. "It's fun I swear!" I urge and he drops his shoulder. "Fine!" He gives in. This time Jinxx is ready witih a camera at the bottom. We watch CC and jake push off first, CC laughing from the beginning and jake pale, kind of like me. "Wanna come on with me?" A girl quizzes Ashley and I stand away. 'Dont get jealous, don't get upset!' I scream at my aching brain. "Um..." Ashley says. He glances over his shoulder and shrugs "no I'm here with someone"m"I'm sure she won't mind" this girl says, she is getting on my nerves, he fucking said no you desperate bitch! I watch from a distance and then Ashley snaps. "I said no! I'm with my boyfriends dammit!" I hear Ashley snap. "What" she says as if she didn't hear. "Andy we need to go now!" Ashley goes from angry to happy and holds out his hand for me. I can't help but run into his arms and hug him "I like you with no shirt" he whispers as we walk over too the slide. "Ugh!" The girl snaps from behind. Ashley pretended to have not heard it "ready!" I he'll over the gushing water Ashley looks so pale I grip his hand and we speed down. Ashley also laughs with me after a while, "yeah!" I hear his beautiful yell. We get too the bottom and CC jake are making out in the water and jinxx is looking at the pictures he took. "Lunch!" I command and Jake pulls away from CC. "Yes!" He yells and CC rolls his eyes. As we are walking towards the food stand I walk behind Ashley. I watch his hair when it moves on his bare back, I watch all his back muscles move, when he turns his head to talk too CC I watch him talk, I watch his dark eyes. I watch Ashley. I fucking love this man, all I wanna do is just be around him, with him everything. As we are walking I just continue to see whatever and anything perfect about Ashley. "Andy?!" I hear from behind me. The entire group turns around to this strange voice. "Sandra?" I ask turning around and cocking my eyebrow. As I suspect it's her. I am delighted to see her. She looks well I suppose. "Hi!" She yells coming toward me. Her girlfriend trailing behind her. "Hi!" I beam back and we crash into this awkward hug but I guess it was still nice. "How are you!" She asks me "well, what about you?!" I ask "fine" she replies, "who are these men?" She asks directing toward the group. "This is my BOYFRIEND Ashley" I say grabbing his wrist and Sandra nods and smiles more "this Is CC" I say pointing to CC "jake" and jake does a little wave, had no idea he was that shy. "And jinxx" I say and look over too jinxx who does a pretty big confident wave "jinxx!" He yells as if I didn't say it. "This is Lauren" she says quickly pecking Lauren on the cheek. We talk for a while and Sandra gives me her number "call me whenever yeah?" She asks. "Yeah" I reply simply. She turns and runs with her girlfriend to the artificial beach. We turn and leave again and Ashley finds my hand. "Love you" he says and we reach the food area. Girls. Everywhere. I can see them eyeing Ashley off and I break off from him. Why must I feel so insecure about this?! "What do you want?' He asks me "I can shout at least lunch" CC and everyone else seem to be okay with that "just chips and coke" I shrug, I'm not really hungry. He nods and pecks me in the cheek before leaving. "I'm going to the toilet" I quickly say and he smiles "okay, be careful" he sighs eyeing the thirsty girls around us. "Yeah" I say and I skip off into the toilet. I do my business and go to leave and then I feel a rough hand over my mouth and it pull me further away from my freedom, I try to note the strange hand and I fail because I'm not strong enough, I would try to lick his hand but who knows what's happened with that thing, "got a cute one this time!' Chants the man to I guess his friend "well hello there" the guy says eyeing me. "You are cute!" He smiles and I just fight thrashing my long legs around. They sit me on the cold metal toilet seat. I'm not that stupid to get up and run, the older looking one licks his lips playfully. "I cannot wait for this" he smiles leaning forward. I sob quietly and hunch my back as if it would help. "Ashley..." I mumble. I guarantee he cannot hear me but I wish he could. The man lifts up my shirt and feels my torso. I sob more. I'm gonna lose my virginity to rape! I cannot be more disgusted with myself, I'm more disgusted with myself then when I got that porn job...and no I did not lose my virginity in that porno job because we only ever did photo shoots. My mind is brought back to this sick reality and he is fiddling with my tight draw string, bless Ashley's soul for being a 'protective boyfriend' and making sure they never came down, god I love- he is gonna break up with me, he's gonna think I was cheating. I sob loudly now and they guy ignores me sending his friend out to make sure nobody comes in, "please!" I choke through my sobs, he finally gets the draw string undone and yanks down my shorts, my boxers still there my heart pumps faster. "Please" I repeat and he slaps me "shut the fuck up" he hisses that row his rotting away teeth. We are about to do the dirty, we'll he was...when I heard a sounded like JAKE. I sob in fear for jake but in relief and happiness for me. "Andy!" Jake yells looking for me. "OI" I hear the younger one say "what!" Jake snaps, hurry please jake, the man who has been touching me stops and listens, keeping a good eyes on me. "Have you seen-" jake is cut off from the man "no now piss off" he snaps "why?" Jake asks curiously, c'mon jake....hurry up... I let out a sob by accident and jake hears it, he attacks the man and I hear a groan from him and a satisfied grunt from jake, I slowly pull my shorts back up because he cannot see me like...this... I hear a loud bang and I look up to see jake standing there panting in anger. "You dirty cunt" jakes voice rumbles. And then they fight for a good five minutes punches and legs everywhere. Jake only JUST wins and I smirk, then he looks at me. "Andy did he-" he goes to ask. "He, he was about to..then you arrived" I tell him and look away, "Andy look at me it's okay to cry" he reassures rubbing my back "I betrayed Ashley!" I sob and he sighs "and you didn't betray Ashley" he tries. "Jake he's gonna break up with me!" I cry louder, "no Andy shhhh, let's get out of here quickly before they wake up" jake tells me and helps me up whispering something. I don't care and I follow him back outside, "I don't wanna see Ashley" I breath out. "Andy we have been looking for you for an hour" jake tells me resting his arm around my shoulders, an hour I was in there. An hour of my life I have had to endure that, I nearly lost my virginity in there...I felt disgusted..more disgusted then when I was in the porno job...we only ever did photo shoots when I worked there. "Jake I can't-" I try but jake cuts me off "Andy c'mon please" he keeps whispering in my ear. "Hang on" he says pulling out his phone quickly. I just cry with my long hair covering my face, I look like normal when I do this. I jump at the rustle in the bushes. Jake grabs my arm and rubs it. "Okay let's go" he tells me slipping his phone away after most likely texting everyone. "Andy you're shivering!" Jake exclaims. "Oh" I croak out, I cry more until we reach a fountain and jake sits down gesturing me to sit with him. "Jake I'm so scared" I tell him. "I ruined this day, CC's day!" I sob "I should have been raped!" I yell and Jake glares at me. "No Andy no you shouldn't have been! Andy don't be upset ash'll be here soon" he says quickly. "I nearly betrayed my Ashley!" I sob now the people walking past us stare a little bit but keep walking. "Where are the-" jake starts but is cut off from Ashley yelling. "Oh mr god!" And running over CC trailing behind and Jinxx is off somewhere. "Jinxx is getting water for us all" CC tells jake hugging him and admiring his bruised knuckles....because of me....Ashley stands there. "Andy..." He whispers I look up from my head but not fully I peek through my hair. He holds out his arms for me to run into and I do exactly that. I crash with Ashley's bare warm skin and he wraps his arms around me tightly he squeezes me tightly and I sob silently. "I'm sorry" I finally say and ash just rocks me from side to side. "No Andy" Ashley says and squeezes me tighter if that was possible. "Don't be sorry" he says. "I didn't want to betray you" I say snuggling into Ashley's chest "you could never of done that' he says and kisses my hair "sit down" he says and sits down. I go to sit beside him so I can lean on him but I am pulled into his lap and squeezed against his body. "He's shaking a lot" Ashley tells CC and jake "I know" jake sighs. "Andy" Ashley's voice says "mm" I mumble "Andy!" Ashley says a little louder and I look up to be greeted by Ashley's brown eyes. He puckers his lips for me and I peck them he rolls his eyes and turns the kiss deeper. We make out for another good 4-5 minutes and then Jinxx sits next to us. "Better?" Ashley asks me. No. "Yeah" I lie. I am feeling better and much safer with Ashley but I can't shake the feeling of disgust and hate. I am trying, but it's branded there.
It was too much effort to try to save this day from what had happened so we left, it was nearly time to go anyway. The trip home is silent apart from beautiful CC trying to make us laugh, it worked once. I still love him for it though. He's a caring man.

I'm pretty happy with this chapter but i don't know if you guys will like it. Sorry! I will try update more often.
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