Under siege PART TWO

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Ashley POV~

After seeing jinxx and Andy I feel a little better but I still worry for the safety of them, of course for Andy. I feel terrible about what I did and now he is in danger and I'm not with him, every once in a while we heard gunshots symbolizing someone is dying and I'm praying neither jinxx nor Andy. CC has awoken and now stands worried it has been 12 hours and I've been waiting for the police to do something...ANYTHING..

We all stand there quite the murmurs have gone now it's just sadness in the air. Nobody can talk because they are worried about the people inside. I'm scared. Not worried because I have no idea how these men think. I know they have hit jinxx and Andy a few times. When the bang sound through the air everyone gasps I was excepting it to be another person killed but it came from the police everyone springs to life moving for shelter so they don't get shot as bullets respond I see an officer get shot in the thigh but then I see a man get shot in the chest. "Andy stay down" I say as if I was telepathically talking to him. After one full hour of CC crying with jake I was shocked jake cried. The shooting stops and the police run in. It takes everything in me not to follow them in to get Andy and Jinxx. They emerge with wounded people the ambulance enter second and emerge with dead bodies this time I run up and check each dead body just checking if it's either of them. Jake cries out shakily with CC I turn away from looking at some woman to see tear stricken Andy and Jinxx climbing out of a broken window. Andy's face is bleeding bruised and swollen tears stream down my face because I know they're alive and okay blood stains their knees but that is not what I want, I stride over to Andy who let's go of jinxx and wraps his arms around my neck he pulls me down and nuzzles into my neck. I close my eyes and nuzzle into his fluffy sweaty hair. I push him away and look him over four big bruises are covering his cheek, cuts and swollen but he is still mine. "Ashley..." Andy cries and hugs me again. Wg only stand there hugging when CC pulls him from me to get a hug in. "Excuse me?" Asks an ambulance officer and jinxx turns around. "Can you come with me?" She asks them. "We are just going to tend to your wound, they could be infected" she says. And sniffles loudly and leaves with jinxx. CC, jake and myself trailing behind them. And sits slumped in the back of the ambulance truck next to jinxx, they each have a blanket around their shoulder and the woman and glued their wounds shut and tended to them like she said. And sits slumped over in heavy thought. I still think he is beautiful but less beautiful with the bruises. "Ashy?" His croaky voice says after a while. I look up and he has one arm open with the blanket he wants us to snuggle. I want to say 'awe!' But I still feel bad. I don't object though so I sit beside him and I lean against the door and he sits on my lap CC and jake also sit in the truck cuddling. "I'm gonna hug you" CC says to jinxx and Andy pulling them in with jake and myself and we just lay there hugging each other. Commotion surrounds us as they start cleaning up the apartment complex. Yet we all say nothing, we just stay grateful that we can all still hug each other. That we didn't have to bury one of them. I feel a lump in my throat as I think about having to bury Andy. "I love you" I say again and hug them all closer. "Can we go now?" CC asks an officer that passes by. The officer looks at us. "I will escort you back home..." He says sadly when he looks at Andy and jinxx. We smile gratefully and get into his car I make sure Andy is in my lap though. I keep my arms around him and the blanket he shakes softly. The officer smiles at us all sadly though the mirror.

We get home and nobody has said anything, this place smells like CC's cooking. Sometimes he is like a mother. "Go have a shower" I tell Andy after fishing some of CC's clothes out for him. "Don't leave me" he says shakily. I don't question it so I follow him to the bathroom and turn on the shower. Waiting for it to heat up I watch Andy undress. Creepy I know. But it was hard to look away as I see his thin little body black and purple. He hasn't eaten anything because he is thinner. He smiles and stands in the shower, I sit on the toilet awkwardly as I hear Andy wash his hair and himself. When he gets out he looks better. I guess it's because he is cleaner. When he is dressed I tell the guys Andy and I are gonna sleep. So we lay on the bed that suede to be my room. I stroke Andy's hair out of his face and he breathes softly, I'm happy I have Andy back but i wanted to earn his forgiveness not to get it handed to me. I decide to ask the question that has been hanging in there for over an hour. I'm scared that he will react badly to it but he needs to get it out there. Not to keep it bottled up inside of himself. "What was it like?" I ask. The question hangs in the air stale for a moment before Andy answers. "Terrible, all I could think about was you CC and jake, I didn't want to have you guys bury me" he says a blank look on his face. "When people kept dying...just after each one I knew the next one could be either jinxx or myself" he says looking at me "I couldn't sleep like everyone else because I was scared" he says. "So all I could do was sit there and think about the stuff I could have done" he says. "I could have told you I had forgiven you! I never told my parents I love them! Never got to see CC or jake again! That's all I could think!" He sobs into my chest I wrap my arms around him. "I was ready to fucking die! Most of the time I was preparing myself for the bullet!" He sobs. I swallow that lump in my throat and squeeze him tighter. "I remember it clearly...them smashing the door down as jinxx and myself stood there in utter fear" he tells me. "I feel as if I was preparing to die then" he says. "And I wasn't ready to say goodbye" he sighs. "Never fucking leave me!" He says looking up into my eyes. "Even if I become a bitch who seems to hate everything around himself, promise that you will never leave me!" He says I nod and smile with my lips pursed. "No fucking dying on me either!" He says and I just continue to nod. "Okay" he says collapsing on top of me. I squeeze him tightly as if that if he left me I would die. Then we fall asleep together I fall asleep first because Andy had his eyes open when I fell asleep.

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