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Ashley pov-

One year later>

I straighten my bass that is around my neck and I peek around a big speaker just to see the big crowd in front of us in this stadium. I can't help but smile at it. It's finally our 100th show. Of course there has been ups and downs but now we are here together in front of our Bvb army

"What are you doing babe?" A deep sexy voice is heard from behind me.

"Looking at the crowd" I shrug and then turn around and see my beautiful Andy. He smiles at me and kisses me before we hear our crowds chants "black veil brides!" Echoed throughout the stadium.

I watch CC take his place at his drum before we start the intro to heart of fire. (I know that this story is kind of all over the place)

"this is rebel yell!" Andy yells smiling at us before turning around and singing with everything inside of him. Everyone plays with every fibre of their body because we are not here for that cash. We are here to show everyone that it does get better. That's there's always a meaning to life. And we have found a way to show that through music.

Just as we end the set Andy turns around confusing our fans and heads toward me. I see CC and Jake fangirling in the background.

"Ashley" Andy says taking my bass from me and sitting it against a bar. "I love you with everything inside of me, after everything we have been through together I'm still so happy to be able to have you by my side and still telling me you love me" he says into the microphone. Our fans giggle and squeal. "Now we stand here in front of our bvb army, together, our 100th show together, with our best frie-family, and I could not imagine life without you" he says

He gets on one knee and I gasp instantly feeling my heart beat faster. The fans are quiet everything is quite and all I can see is Andy's blue hopeful eyes holding a bare ring. My man on one knee in front of me asking me to spend the rest of my life with him. And I want to be with him I know it. Letting my hands leave my face I nod and then wrap my arms tightly around his neck. I feel a breath leave his body in relief as he hugs me back.

I'm brought back into reality as I here screams and cries around me.
"Congrats!" I hear all around me.

He puts the micro phone down and talks to me. I'm amazed I can hear him over the noise. But he says to me. "I cannot wait to be able to call you my husband" then picks up the microphone and continues the set. I find it hard to not be able to admire my new ring through it the set but it finally ends.

We walk off stage hand in hand. CC dances and latches around jakes neck screaming "engaged at last!" Into his ear. Jinxx slaps andy's back and Alice just smiles at us.

"Let's celebrate!" Yells Jake and so we do. We celebrate for the amazing 100th show and our engagement.

A few drinks later the boys and even Alice are wasted! They stumble over imaginary things (so Jake says) and dance shirtless including Alice! On the dance floor. Andy and myself have had a quiet night because I'm pretty sure we both know what is going to happen later ;)

"I love you" we say at the same time before laughing like a pair of school girls then kissing. We get pretty into it before we decide to go home and finish off what we were probably going to do in the bathrooms.


Bursting through my bedroom door and falling onto the bed kissing whilst removing our clothing. I blush and ask Andy something I haven't really been anticipating to ask. "Can i be..bottom?" I ask shyly. Andy stop mid shirt-taking-offerer (idk) and looks at me. "Thought you would never ask" he says pouncing on me.

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