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I answer my phone and CC is already yelling at me "ashley! Andy hasn't answered my calls!" He yells "calm down CC he is here and fine" I instantly regret telling CC that I'm with Andy...well not WITH him but close enough to know he hasn't left, silence on the phone. "Why?" Asks CC "because, I like him"
"It's true"
"Ashley leave him alone...he will do it again tonight" CC Mumbles. I don't say anything so CC knows I want to know what he means. "He nearly left last night. Nearly drove back home" CC sobs ring throughout the phone.
After the lunch I try to wave goodbye to Andy but Jinxx growls at me so I don't even bother. I have a video today with some buy known as Oliver. I've done a few videos with him before. He is an okay kid. Beautiful tan skin nice blonde hair green eyes a great actor. He also has a crush on me. I guess it's cause I'm the big boss of the site and I have money. I guess I'm somewhat attractive if I am as popular as I seem to be.

my phone rings and I glance at it CC appears over the screen and I sigh I ignored his calls because I was working and I couldn't be bothered to talk to anyone because I was depressed. But I decide to answer it this time knowing he will invite me over to dinner again and we will go though the same argument, "hello?" I say pretending to not know who it is.
"Ashley is gone for the night" he instantly says "so?" I mumble running my fingers though my hair "so come for dinner, cmon Andy Jakey and myself miss you!" He moans through the phone. "No" I sigh again "I will never forgive you if you don't show up tonight at 7:00pm" he snaps and hangs up before I can reject him but I can practically hear him smile as if some kind of genius through the phone. Of course I have to go though he left me without a choice, "wanna come to a dinner tonight?" I mumble looking over to Jinxx who seems to be leaving "of course, but who's?" He asks "CC and Jake" I say "oh really!" He squeals like a teenager who get to meet Justin Bieber. I smile and nod, and an hour later we are in the car going to CC and Jake. I know ashley won't be there so that's why I have a smile on my face I get to see them. I knock on the door and I hear CC yell "you never have to knock Andy!" And so we walk through "sorry guys I bought a friend" I say after we all hug and shit yeah I know it's only been a week but when you have true friends I guess it feels like forever. "It's okay, who may you Be?" asks CC "Jeremy...but I prefer Jinxx" he says after shying away a little. "Well JINXX I am CC and this is Jake" CC smiles. "Play an instrument?" Jake asks straight away. "Guitar...violin.." Jinxx runs through the list of instruments he plays and CC and Jake seem interested. "Wow..." Jake says when Jinxx finishes. "I love you!" Screams CC and hugs Jinxx I only laugh and shake my head. CC serves dinner which is spaghetti and beer. Typical CC beer with everything we eat. I almost missed it then I remember Ashley and how much I've made him hate me. I honestly didn't realise how much of a nuisance I was. When CC asked me to move in all I thought about was myself ashley probably hated me from the start...and with that I begin to wanna be alone. Even for five minutes. "Be right back!" I chirp pretending to be happy and walking to the bathroom I shut the door softly and I put the seat on the Toilet down and I sit on it. I just sit there thinking until I hear CC walking up stairs. I flush the toilet and wash my hands. I walk out and smile at CC still feeling like utter shit inside myself. "Let's play singstar" a slightly intoxicated Jake says. "Yeah!" Yells the excited CC Jinxx and myself look at each other and smile knowing that means okay. We sit down and watch CC and Jake do a duet. Jake is still rather sober but still a little drunk only a smige. "Andy your turn!" Laughs Jinxx after doing the song 'girls just wanna have fun' "ha ha no thanks" I laugh nodding away from the microphone Jinxx holds to my face. "For me?" CC bats his eyes and looks at me, he isn't even a little cute but knowing it'll break his heart I agree, "what song?" I finally give in, I eye the time and it's 10:00pm ashley should be bringing his bitch home soon and I can't honestly be okay with seeing someone all over the person I still like even though people are telling me he is a fuck head. "Andy you listening!" Yells jake. "Jinxx chose for you, rebel yell" he smiles and I groan. I have sung this Song many times before but it sounds so bland. I decided to add my own little twists into the song...
"Last night a little dancer came dancing through my door..." I mumble the start I feel a punch in my back, "if you don't try I will make you sing another song" Jake says, "last night a little angel came bumping on my floor!" I yell getting into the song. As the song continues I hear CC cheering and Jake squealing Jinxx is quiet taking in the song "in the midnight hour she cried more more more!" I yell into the microphone I have successfully twisted the song into my own adding a scream in there. "And dried your tears of pain pain pain.." I whisper into the song. I really do enjoy this song "with a rebel yell she cried more more more!" I sing louder. I am into this song as much as I can be into it. "Oh yeah a little angel, she want more...more more more more more" and the song finishes. "Oh my god..." Jake says "that was-" Jinxx was cut off from CC wrapping his arms around me. "Andy oh my gosh, screw that restaurant job we need to start a band an ms be famous!" He says loudly. "Are you sure?" I ask remembering what happened when I last started a band, they all abandoned me when we got to LA. "Andy of course I am-I love you" he says "what about me!"laughs Jake "nope me and Andy will be together forever!" Laughs CC. "Have you written any songs?" Asks Jinxx. "Yeah three, but let's look at them later, there names are Devils choir, resurrect the sun and ritual" I mumble I don't know where this awkward confidence came from. But I kind of like it I suppose. I only took this band idea as a joke but little did I know that it wasn't really a joke and I suppose deep down inside I knew it wasn't a joke. We play a few more songs my favourite song i did is "I'm sexy and I know it" I laugh freely and loudly and I feel the laughter from my gut. Jinxx and my eyes meet for a second and he looks at me in happiness. He has never seen me like this before. "Oh shit we have work tomorrow!" Yells Jinxx and I check the time "fuck!" I yell its 12:04 am. "I'm sorry Cee and Jake we have to go!" I smile and jinxx and myself wave them goodbye and shuffle out of the house. I look up at the wrong time to see an ashley with someone I recognise from the porn place as Oliver or something. Ashley nearly pushes Oliver off of him when he sees us "Andy hey! Where are you going!" He shouts after us I grab jinxxes wrist to stop him from laying into him "home" I say simply knowing he could hear me easily cause I have only just passed him. "A hotel is not a home" he says. I turn around and I am pretty pissed Because HE is the one that made me feel like shit HE is the one who allowed me to believe the place I call home is not home HE made me want to go back to mom and dad HE is the reason I cried at my workplace. And I can't take it I feel anger bubble up inside me. "You know fucking what ashley, I call a hotel home because I had to go there because I believe I wasn't fucking welcome in your home!" I snap approaching him I sense jinxx approval behind me bit I don't really care whether he approved or not. "I fucking feel disgusting every day because you touched me like I'm worthless! Like just another human that you need for your pleasure!" I snap and that brings pain in the bottom of my stomach because I did feel like lower then dirt. "I nearly went back because I am scared of YOURE judgment!" I yell bringing my anger to the surface again "I was brought down at my own workplace a place where I get away from my thoughts only for YOU to show up!" I yell my tears well up in my eyes Oliver winces like he is heavily involved in all this and I just stare at him, drama queen. I will admit he is beautiful but I can't stand him I would tap that if he didn't talk. "The worst part is I have allowed myself to fall for you" I whisper and jinxx grabs my shoulder and pulls my crying body away from the asshole I have allowed myself to fall for stands there. Oliver clutching at his arm and crying because I was scary. I do feel scared of myself. I can't let these thoughts get to me again. I'm not allowed to pick that razor up. 'Just do it, it will all go away' my mind tells me "jinxx I've gotta sit down" I say as we reach the car and he opens the door for me and I sit in the seat and try to fight my urges 'it's the only way' my mind continues. I consider it then I bang my head back in the seat "jinxx I can't fight them" I confess to the man in his knees beside me. I hate being this weak. This vulnerable it shows ashley he has won. He has tackled me down and I have lost I am a loser "Andy you are not allowed to be alone!" He says holding my shoulders "do not do it!" He screams worry in his voice 'I know you better then him, and we know it makes you feel better' my mind says. My heart is telling me to not be alone "I would let you stay at mine but I can't because everyone is there.." He sighs. Yeah he lives in a share house "and I can't stay at that hotel ever again" he mumbles he found a cockroach in the coffee mug and is scarred for life he won't even look sideways at that hotel. "I wanna talk to CC.." I mumble and he nods. I know CC will calm me down because he loves me in a brotherly way and he is always there to calm me. I feel alone now that jinxx is gone I see one of my old blades in the centre console and I look away. I have stopped crying but knowing that blade is there I have to get out. I don't make much of a move but I move to the grass beside me and I slam the door shut just sitting there like I have lost all will to walk. Paralysed. I hear the front door slam and I can sense CC running. Worried. Sad. Upset. And I can hear Jinxx behind him. A sorry look on his face when I look upward. CC grabs my arm and helps me up. "Let's get you inside" he smiles warmly pulling me into a side hug and walking me inside. "You had a panic and anxiety attack" CC sighs. "I'm sorry Andy but you have to stay here, I am aware that ashley is here but he won't come near you" CC says "okay" by this point I simply don't care. "Let's get cleaned up okay?" Asks CC I nod and jinxx pats my back twice and hard. "Jakey has run you a bath" CC tells me and I smile "thank you so much" I tell them all when I know they are all together "love you all" I smile and they all hug me and leave after reminding me to tell them if I ever have the urge to do that again and if I am not okay. I'm happy to have such friends. I settle into the bubbly bathtub and I smile the steam clears my head and only leave the important shit there. Slowly but surely my confession to ashley appears and I groan "another thing" I whisper. "Ashley I need you!" Yells Oliver from the room across. Again I feel anger but not "I'm gonna pop your face!" Anger it's kind of an lazy anger like "I could kick your ass but what will that do, I might sit around and just be angry" so I do that I sink into the bath and I close my eyes struggle to keep me awake .
Next morning I wake up I'm late for work. Therefore I'm fired. Thumbs up Andy great day already! I'm pretty hungry but I don't wanna get up..I see a note beside me "I got you covered you just sleep!'-CC" I smile he covered for my weak depressed Ass. I decide to eat so I get up and shuffle out the door. Ashley's door is open and I peek into his room. He is on his laptop on Facebook typing something. I shrug quietly and tiptoe down the stairs. Success! I practically skip into the kitchen until I see Oliver eating porridge. "Andrew hey! Are you okay after last night!" He asks happily I glare at him in jealousy and hatred. Losing my appetite I decide to go back into my old room. Midway up the stairs I run into a frazzled tired looking ashley. So pretty much sex hair and tired from sex ashley "Andy hi..are you okay?" He asks scanning my wrists up and down I pull them from view and I look away "I'm sorry ashley..." I mumble and I run upstairs before ashley can say "apology not accepted!"
I shut the door and decide to mumble rebel yell to try calm me down because that was a happy moment. It works a little guess. But I will be watched like a hawk from everyone from now. I hate myself.

Wow sorry for the short shit chapter but it will have too do


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