Saved then heartbroken

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I finish humming my song and that didn't work. But just sitting around for an hour or so did, I suppose it's because I could sort through these thoughts separately not all at once. Now I'm hungry as all hell, " can do this" I mumble and open the door. The hallway seems so much longer now and I feel sick, "stop being dramatic" I hiss to myself and my brain nearly steps into gear, I shuffle to the stairs and I look down. Ashley and Oliver sit on the couch causally watching a movie with Oliver folded into his side, wow that hurt. A lot. I try to step down stairs lightly and again it works. I give myself a pat on the back and I safely make it into the kitchen. I bite my lip ring and I find an apple. Yeah that'll do I suppose. For now I sit on the bench chewing possibly the best Apple I have ever tasted until loud laughs from ashley and Oliver echo throughout the house, I shake my head to shake away any jealousy I have. Yep I'm a twenty year old huge baby that needs cuddles and attention all day every day and when I don't get what I want I sook around and mope and act hard done fucking what deal with it. I feel tired after that large burst of energy within my mind. Oh well so I thought, I blurt out about my 20 year old baby problem. I get embarrassed and bolt upstairs like a cat when I see ashley turn around. I. Am. Batman. I smile to myself and I shut my door leaning against it. This sneaking around is pretty fun! But soon I get tired again and I lay down in the bed and I snuggle as much as I can into it, God I miss the smell of this eyes droop more and I drift away into a beautiful dream land. Only to be woken and hour or so later in cold sweats from a bad dream. Involving lots of venomous stuff, I look around for the cobra that was gonna eat me when I realise it was only a dream and ashley is in here without Oliver this time. "Andy are you okay?" He asks "fine" I squeak. I am still heavily embarrassed I confessed to him and I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep. "Can we talk?" He asks "Oliver is downstairs" I sigh. I feel the bed dip beside me and I know it's ashley "Andy please-" he begins, I flip around "fine! About what!" I snap. Of course he is taken aback from that outburst but not as much as me, "now last night.." He starts and I groan. "I don't mean any of that I swear" I cut him off before he continues "not even the confession?" He asks raising an eyebrow. I blush and use my long hair to cover it. "20 year old baby" he murmurs and laughs "Andy..can you..forgive me..and open up to me aswell for just once?" He asks "you wanna know what I'm thinking huh? How I feel?" I snap. He nods unsure of whether that is the right answer. "From the moment I stepped into school gates I was bullied by people like you ashley. Because I'm gay. Because I'm emo! I start a band who all leaves me when we reach here damn maccas wouldn't take me in. Then I meet you a beautiful fucking person with a smile that can make a bear cry in happiness with the damn body that people like me can only dream of! I was made to feel unwelcome, it fucking hurts every time I see you I am tired of crying and I just can't do this!" I yell all in a couple of breaths "so you like me?" Ashley asks raising an eyebrow. I am crying "no wrong ashley I am head over heels and I hate myself for it in so so fucking sorry" I sob helplessly. Ranting to ashley made me hurt less but it's too late my heart, mind and body have decided to give up, "I can't do this anymore" I whisper and I can feel ashley pull me into a hug warm but still feels weird, "Andy.." He whispers "I'm so sorry" he keeps repeating. "Come back here so we can all look after you, make you feel welcome because I know you are..." He whispers into my fluffy hair. "No" I state simply. Partly because I'm too lazy and because I cannot go back to ashley fucking all night every night with randoms. "Andy yes, I won't touch anyone in this house ever again, except my new boyfriend..." He mumbles a little angry. But I tense up. Boyfriend...."well we aren't really dating but he thinks we are" ashley moans. "I'm home!" Screams CC walking up the stairs to greet me "yes or no!" Ashley quickly questions. Fine....I suppose so I hate the hotel any way "okay" I mumble into his chest before I pull away feeling cold without his touch. Empty you could call it. Yeah let's call it empty. Before CC reaches the room he sees Oliver clearly ashley looks away "what are you here for! Where is Ash!" He yells alarmed "just in with Andy, he seemed upset" I hear Oliver's soft voice the door flings open instantly looks from me to him. Tear stained cheeks on me and and ashley sitting there. "What did you do?" CC shakes with anger. I want to say something but I lose confidence "comforting" ashley answers simply "what! Then why is he crying?" CC demands. Ashley loses his fight instantly and looks at me for some kind of hope. I'm caught between telling him I forgive ashley and that I'm moving in again. If it's okay with him I suppose. I decide if the forgiveness as I can see CC charging toward ashley. "We made up!" I quickly say it takes a moment to register then CC stops. "Good!" He smiles his attitude leaving, "and why is Oliver in my house?!" CC smiles. "Wefucked" ashley says quickly. "I don't want him here get him out now please" CC continues to smile and ashley looks at me through the corner of his eyes then leaves. I forgot ashley and Oliver are a thing now. "I'm moving back in" I say quickly. I am pushed onto the bed by CC hugging me. "yay!" He yells. "We can have a slumber party with jinxxy!" CC yells smiling I shake my head and laugh, "Cee you always make me feel better" I tell him. "That's the plan" he smiles. "Jake is gonna be so happy!" Smiles CC
Surely enough Jake was happy. Like really happy and hugged my and I'm sure dislocated something, at least something in my body. And before we know it the week has passed I had gone to work happy. We had that slumber party that cee promised not once but twice, I can only smile at those memories, ashley still does porn he comes home smelling like sweat and sex and of course because we are friends now he comes into my room or in the living room and says hi, all I am smell is that and I am tired of it so I go for a walk today just a casual walk. Ashley didn't even go home yet so I don't know why I left, I suppose I just wanted to get away from the stench before I get to smell it, I might make this every day when ashley gets home from work..."in the midnight hour baby more more more" I sing to myself, that song has become my home song like the song an bring me down from pain and anger. "With a rebel yell she cried more more more more more" I continue. As I walk around the corner I see bare skin and its tanned...I see a females leg being held up from the big strong tattooed arm...I look closer while trying not to see anything disgusting, and it's ashley. Oh. Of course if feel a gap in my heart of course my heart yearns in jealous and I have never been this jealous before. And to be honest I want it all to go away so the only place I go is to the bottle shop. "Biggest bottle of Jack Daniels ya got" I say to the man he makes me show Id then allows me to go. I can't honestly be bothered to go home, so like a hobo I sit on the side walk and I look at my surroundings. The first swig burns in my throat I almost wanna choke it up but I don't. Ashley doesn't understand that I love him. So damn much and it hurts like being pierced in the heart when I see him doing that kind of thing, I get through half the bottle and I feel drunk but my mind is not coaxed into being drunk yet, I finish my drink and I go to buy another I stumble into the shop "aye! Can I have this!" I laugh sitting the bottle on the counter I'm not really that drunk because my mind is not being wiped from ashley and my massive crush on him, "sorry kid, can't sell to a drunk" he says turning around to avoid the strings of abuse he is about to get thrown at him. "Fuck you then!" I yell stumbling out of the shop then I stumble across the road to a park. Different one then before and I sit on the bench. I watch the old people walk around arm in arm heading to some event. I see a woman jog past and I see a mother with two kids walking home I ride my wrist and it read only 9:30 I don't have to be home for another hour so I just sit there. Finally breaking when I see a couple kiss and them telling each other they love each other. I sob helplessly I have never sobbed this hard about someone before the tears dripping onto the ground below my nose running and my heart is in pain. And he doesn't understand how much it hurts, 30 minutes later I am walking my intoxicated ass back home. I'm less drunk now I have cried all of the fluids out of me I stop at the door and lean on it for a moment. "You know what ashley, I'm giving up on you" I mumble to myself telling the sky how I feel. "I can't do this anymore bring your bitches here because I sure as hell won't care" I practically lie to myself then I quickly Palm the tears away and I walk in CC and Jake are asleep. I sit on the couch trying to sober up more so I can sleep without throwing up when I'm drunk. But all I wanna do is get drunk, wasted, so drunk I can't even blink straight. I wipe away any falling tears and I stand up, I sneak into the kitchen not that I need to and I grab myself a bottle of jack Daniels, I sneak back upstairs and I shut the door. Tomorrow is Saturday so I don't have to work for two days and to be honest I just wanna get and be drunk that is exactly what I do I sit on my bed and finish two bottles. Barely but I do it. I then cry more then before. I have never actually cried this much in one night but heartbreak hurts and it hurts more when you're drunk and you have given up fully. I leave the bottles I have drinken beside my bed and I go to sleep. Well more like I cry until all my energy is gone and I fall asleep.
I wake up and the light blinds me and the small headache I had increased a lot and I groan in pain "fuuucckk" I moan and I look around I see the two empty bottles I clearly remember everything and it kind of pisses me off because that means I wasn't drunk enough. I am serious though. I am giving up on loving ashley. If I can do just that I can move into my apartment. Away from everything. I actually only have 10000 until I can afford a new apartment. No furniture yet though so I'm going to work towards 20000 dollars just to be sure because want to have furniture. This thinking hurts me deeply and I decide to get up and get some aspirin, and I do exactly that. I stumble back into the room to go back to sleep when I see CC on my bed holding the empty bottles. "Andy?" He asks I may be hung over but I can still hear which means a lecture is flying my way. "Why?" He asks "I'm hurt" I decide to fess up straight away. "why would you be hurt Andy?" CC quizzes. "I give up on love" I mumble and I shut the door "getting drunk won't fix it" he sighs. "I want to forget about him CC can I just do that?" I ask my headache is still evident in my head but I feel it going away. "Who is he Andy?" CC whispers, "I just need to be alone" I begin and he sighs. "Get some sleep but don't think this lecture Isn't coming still he says taking the bottles out with him. Allowing me to sleep.
I hear the clatters of bottles hitting together from something out side of my room. I peek around the door to see CC sighing and walking down the stairs. I follow him down "what are they chuppy?" I ask he jumps at the presence of my voice. "Oh Jesus ash you scared me" he mumbles. "Cee, what's wrong?" I grab his shoulder and my eyes connect with the bottles he is holding. "it's Andy...." He mumbles "he drank himself dumb last night, trying to forget something" CC sighs. I can only feel sad for andy. "what?" I ask. I hope he knows I mean what as in what was he trying to forget "someone he loves hurt him..." CC says and throws the bottles into the bin in the kitchen. I tense up and look at CC. I know it's me because he has confessed to me twice. Fuck. Did he see me last night? Shit of course Ashley you idiot. That sad thing is I like him a lot and I just refused to tell him. I let go of CC and I go into my room and just sit on my bed. Andy...I don't know can I confess back to him and stop making him feel like shit? It has he given up to much for me to bring him back?

This is possible the worst chapter I've given out but I don't know



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