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Your eyes widened as you realized what you had done.

Oh my god he's definitely gonna kill me. I'm gonna lose my internship, my apartment, and my future job

You bowed
"I am SO sorry sir, I didn't hear you approaching me so I got startled... I was deep in thought and your voice startled me, it was an accident! I am SO sorry please dont tell my supervisor, please I beg you... I will end up homeless! You wouldn't want a student to be homeless right?" You rambled on.

"Well-" He said, but your phone began to ring, interrupting him. It was Hina.

"OH I am so sorry I have to take this, it's urgent!!" You said, quickly picking up the document off the floor and pointing at the stamped "CONFIDENTIAL" text. You sprinted down the corridor without looking back, shoving the door of the nearest women's washroom open.

Maybe I can run away after dropping off the file... That way he won't know my name or anything right?

You answered the phone "Hina?"

"Y/n? Why are you out of breath?"

"Ahh don't worry about it right now... You forgot to text me! I knew you'd forget" You said in a disappointed tone.

"Hehee im sorry~... Slide it under room 403. Thank you y/n, I owe you one".

You chatted for a few more minutes with Hina about your lab duties for next week. You hung up the phone and quietly walked out of the women's bathroom, peering around the corner to see if the man was waiting for you. You slowly tip toed your way towards the elevator, and noticed that the lobby was empty. Maybe he went home or had some work to do.

You quickly entered the elevator and went to the 4th floor. You found the office and kicked the document under the door

I am never doing Hina a favour ever again

You went back into the elevator and descended down to the lobby. You pushed the glass doors of the main entrance open and walked out, instantly feeling better that you were out of the building. A gust of air blew your hair back. You were exhausted and couldn't wait to spend the weekend relaxing. With all your schoolwork and lab work, you've barely been able to catch a break.

"Oi over here"

You whipped around to see the man you punched sitting on a bench with a cigarette in hand. Just your luck.

"Ah... Once again I am so sorry sir, it was truly an accident. I hope that you can accept my apology". You looked at his face, the strands of his black hair complimented his slim face, his eyes were dark yet gentle, and a large horizontal scar crossed over from his left ear to his right cheek. He didn't look as scary as you thought he would, and you didn't expect him to be around your age either. He was actually kinda handsome?

He stood up and approached you. "I didn't mean to scare you, ya know" he said with a chuckle. "You just looked a bit stressed and out of place"

"Out of place?" You said defensively.

He gestured to your casual outfit. Oh

He pushed his hair back and extended his right hand forward "My name's Yutaro Kurose, but you can just call me Kurose, there's no need to be formal."

"L/N, F/N" you said as you firmly shook his hand.

"You pack a mean punch y/n" he laughed "Who's your supervisor?"

You looked down to your shoes embarrassed & mumbled Hina's name

"Hmm... Hina?" he blew smoke out of his lips "You mean that crazy scientist lady? Maybe I should drop by her lab and tell her to transfer you to the devil hunting division instead" he joked.

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