Dirt Road

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"You want to do donuts? Do you even have a license?" Aki fastened his seatbelt and leaned against the leather seat

"Technically no, but nobody's around so it'll be ok! I've driven a car before, no biggie" You twisted the key to start the car and placed your hand on the gear stick, pulling it into drive

"Wait a minute" Aki pushed the gear stick back to park "I really dont think this is a good idea, I don't want the car to get damaged since it's a rental"

You frowned "would it kill you to live a little? I'll pay for any damage I promise"

Aki sighed "Have you ever done a donut before?"

"Uhhm, no"

"Put the car back in drive"

Your eyes widened with excitement "Are you gonna show me!?"

"We're only doing this once, okay?"

"Okay I got this"

Aki thoroughly explained how to drift, outlining the details to ensure that you could safely swerve in a tight circle, forming a donut

"Are you ready?"

You shot him a smile "you know it!"

You put the car into gear and accelerated, pulling the steering wheel to the left once you gained enough speed, you felt your body pull rightwards as you tightened your grip on the wheel. A few pebbles crunched and clicked underneath the car as it swerved in a loose circle

Aki squirmed uncomfortably and clutched onto the handle above the window "You're not doing it right, you didn't pull the wheel in fast enough"

You brought the car to a halt and pushed the gear into park "Okay can you explain it to me again?"

"Just switch with me and I'll show you, stand outside and watch" Aki exclaimed

"You want me to stand outside? Wouldn't it be easier to watch how you maneuver the car from the inside?"

"You'll see" he smirked as he readjusted his hair up into his signature ponytail


You kicked the dirt as you walked, waiting in the middle of the empty area. Birds cooed in the distance and the grassy farmland swayed with the light wind, creating ripples of wave-like movement.

The window rolled down and Aki peaked his head out "Dont move, and don't freak out. Just trust me okay?" he yelled your way

You straightened your posture and stood still, shooting Aki a thumbs up

The car sprang into motion, suddenly swerving aggressively with a cloud of dirt trailing closely behind it.

Aki drove out of the cloud and rolled the windows down, his expression purely joyful and giddy with adrenaline "How was that?"

"That's it?" you teased him

"I was just warming up" He rolled the window back up and smirked at you through the dirtied windshield

Why is he so excited? What is this idiot planning?

You met his eyes as the car accelerated in your direction, your heart began to beat outrageously fast, pounding at your chest as the vehicle neared

"Are you fucking crazy?" you mumbled mindlessly, clenching your fingers into a fist

The adrenaline rush made everything feel like it was panning out in slow motion

Everything became eerily quiet. The chirping birds muffled and the sound of the grassy fields being blown by the wind were overtaken by the sound of your pounding heart. All you could do was trust that Aki knew what he was doing.

You reluctantly forced yourself to keep your eyes open, hoping to catch Aki's joyful grin. But instead you were met with his bright, serious eyes

You didn't know how to react

Is Aki about to kill me?

The hood of the car moved swiftly, inches away from your body

You held your breath and squeezed your eyes shut as dirt particles started to blow into them

You felt a unsettling burst of warmth along your body, while hearing the vehicle swerve around you

You coughed as the dust invaded your lungs, slowly opening your eyes into a squint

You could taste the dirt in your mouth

You wiped your mouth in attempt to remove any residue, instead feeling a wetness smear across your lips and drip down your mouth

What is that?

You looked down at your hands

Is that...



Author's note
I am so sorry for another late upload. It's my first time working a full time job & I didn't realize how exhausting it can be so I haven't had much time to write😭... I do be getting that shmoney tho🤪🤑, I literally bought an Aki shirt with my first paycheck hehe

Thank you once again for your hilarious comments & your support. We're at over 7k reads🥺🥺!!!

Love you all🤗♥️

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