Takeout Girl

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It was a Friday night, you had just completed an arduous week of exams and you were getting ready for dinner with Kurose. You did your makeup and were in the process of curling your hair when your doorbell rang.

He's really early? I'm not even done getting ready yet

You rushed to the door and pulled it open "Why are you so earl- Aki? What are you doing here?"

He pushed passed you and entered your apartment with a cheesy smile "I heard you finished your exams this week so I got you your favourite takeout. You know those noodles we used to get at that place when we were kids? It's not the same place but it's close enough to the recipe so I thought we could celebrate your hard work with it" he placed the takeout bags on your kitchen counter and starting taking the styrofoam containers out

"Aki I can't tonight"

He eyed you "What do you mean you can't? Did you already eat?"

The styrofoam squeaked on your counters

"No I'm going out"

"Oh that's fine, we can eat together and then you can go out. I'll even walk you there, where are you going?"

"On a date" you said walking back to the bathroom to finish curling your hair

"A what?" he let go of the takeout bag and followed you to the bathroom

"You heard me" you picked up the curling wand

"With who"


"Kur- didn't I already warn you about that guy?" he said running his hands through his hair

"I know but I feel like you could have been wrong, he asked me out to dinner so maybe it's different... I should give him a chance. Anyways I'm sorry I can't have the takeout with you tonight but feel free to hang around while i'm out. Just make sure to lock up when you leave, I'll lend you a spare key."

"Where is he taking you?"

"Uhhm, I think that fancy place that just opened up in town... y'know the one that has those dishes from abroad, apparently it's really good"

Aki sighed "Just cancel your plans please"

"Aki no" you said, unplugging your curling wand and walking back into your room

"Pleasee" he said catching your arm "We haven't hung out properly in years"

"I seriously can't tonight! I promise I'll make it up to you though... Can you help me pick a dress?"



You came out of your room to see Aki chomping down on his noodles on your living room couch.

"Ugh that smells so good... Is this too much?" you twirled

Aki looked up and immediately started choking, slamming the styrofoam container on your coffee table and chugging down his water

"Where is the rest of it?" he managed to cough out

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to a club or a restaurant? That's too short and low cut for a restaurant. Where's my necklace by the way? You're not wearing it?"

You touched your bare chest "Ah right, the clasp is still broken"

"Here" he said while pulling out a tiny box from his jean jacket. He tossed it to you

"What's this?"

"I had a feeling you hadn't gotten the necklace fixed so I got you a new chain. I was gonna give it to you after dinner as a proper post-semester gift but that's not happening so here"


"I can't believe you look this good for that guy" Aki said as he clasped the back of your new chain

"Is someone jealous?" you turned around and smirked back at him

"Nope, I just think this whole thing isn't your style. You've always been a takeout girl" he squished your cheeks

"A takeout girl? Way to make me sound cheap" you pulled his hands off your face

"You know that's not what I meant, I just know you better than anyone and know that you'd rather have a lowkey night" he flopped back onto the couch

"That's not true, we just never went out for fancy dinners as kids. You know i've grown up now right? I've changed, I'm not a takeout girl anymore... whatever that means"

He picked up his noodles "You may have grown up but we're still in sync. But if you really want a fancy dinner then let me treat you if takeout isn't good enough for you anymore. I'll take you to an even nicer place than Kurose"

"As long as you're paying" you chuckled "Oh by the way, I left my spare key on the kitchen counter. You can leave your garbage behind and I'll clean it up later. Just make sure you turn all the lights out before you go please"

"What time are you coming back at? I'll wait up for you to make sure you're back home safe" he said in a serious tone

"I'm not really sure, I guess it depends on when we finish dinner and if Kurose has other plans after"

Aki raised his brow "What do you mean other plans?"

You looked back at him confused "I don't know, like dessert or something? Isn't that how the typical date goes?"

He looked relieved "Right... just dessert" he mumbled "Well I'll wait up-"

The doorbell rang, cutting him off. You ran over to Aki

"Hurry up and hide in my room or something, it'll be super weird if he sees you here!!"

You grabbed his arm and yanked him off the couch, shoving him into your room and shutting the door

"Thanks! Seeya-later-bye"

"Hey wai-"

"Aki he's gonna hear you, shut up" you whispered

You heard him let out a big sigh

You skipped over to the door and put your shoes on. You pulled the door wide open

"Wow y/n" Kurose looked you up and down "You look..." his eyes gazed down "Oh uh, do you have company or something?"


You turned back to your empty couch, confused

"Who's shoes are those?" Kurose pointed downwards beside your feet

You looked down to see Aki's shoes at your front entrance

god damnit Aki

You kicked them behind you "noo I just had uh... Well those are- they're my dad's! Sometimes when i feel lonely I put them out by my entrance to feel like he's home"

Stupid stupid stupid

"Right.. Well ok then" Kurose questioned

"Anyways what were you saying?" You tried to divert the conversation, stepping closer to Kurose and gently grabbing onto his sleeve

His eyes widened and he looked away flustered "Oh it's just that... You look really pretty"

"Thanks, you look really good too"

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