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Nothing but confusion filled your mind

Is this my blood?

You looked along your body, revealing a large splatter throughout your clothes

But I dont feel any pain?

"A-Aki?" you barely managed to say

Tears filled your eyes, blurring your vision as the feeling of fear and shock took over your body

Aki emerged from the dirt cloud, immediately pulling you into an embrace, pressing your head gently into his chest and stroking the back of your head

"Are you alright?" he asked

"What happened? Who's blood is this?... Did you hit me?" you shakily mumbled

"Shh, don't worry"

"Aki is this your blood?" you whispered

"No... and I didn't hit you" his arms slipped away and he pulled back from the embrace, turning his back towards you

"Dont look" he mumbled, taking a few steps towards the SUV

You couldn't help but watch as he knelt down beside the vehicle, wondering what happened and how it could've happened so quickly without you fully registering it

When your vision started to clear, you noticed that the right side of white SUV was coated in red

Your legs shook underneath you as you took a small step closer to Aki, who seemed to be inspecting something on the ground. His clothes were relatively clean, the only soiled areas being where he held you in his embrace

"What happened, Aki?"

"We were being followed" he replied

"Followed? But the dirt road was empty this entire time, and there were barely any cars around when we drove here? Who could've followed us?"

Aki stood up, taking a step back to face you

Below him a body

A small body

A child



Whaddup shawties

Here's a short chapter, I thought you'd probably prefer to have a smaller chapter uploaded sooner opposed to waiting for a longer one much later.

I'm almost through my work week so I'll try to make the next chapter longer :)!! Thanks for your patience qts

The Pain we Share || Aki HayakawaWhere stories live. Discover now