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"H-how is that even possible?" your head began to spin

Your eyes stung from the sight. You fell down to your knees, sick at the thought

You glanced over to the child who was only a few feet away from you, completely mutilated from the impact of the vehicle

"Why didn't I hear him scream? Where did he even come from? Was he hiding in the crops?" you whispered

You turned to face Aki in horror "Didn't you see him? Why didn't you slow down?"

Aki looked down at you "It's not what you think", his face without a glimmer of emotion

A small gasp escaped your mouth as the reality of the situation began to pour into your mind. You ran your fingers through your hair and quietly laughed hysterically

"You just killed a child and that's all you have to say? What the fuck is wrong with you?" You tried to sound brave, but you couldn't hide the tinge of fear in your voice

You stared at Aki in disbelief. Is this really the same Aki you used to know so well?

"Look at the child" he said, keeping his eyes fixated on the fallen body

"I can't look again, Aki" you could smell the iron from the blood, making you wince

Aki knelt down beside you, gently helping you back up to your feet. You tried to squirm away from his grip but your efforts were fruitless.

"Look again"

You peered at the trail of blood between the vehicle and the child

"I can't" you whispered under your breath, you could feel your heart beating vigorously

"We're being deceived" he said in a low voice

The words repeated over and over in your head, incomprehensible. Too much had happened in such a short span of time, nothing made sense to you anymore.

"Here's what I'm thinking... Look at the child, the anatomy's wrong" Aki's voice interrupted your thoughts. He faced you, concern overtook his eyes as he realized your inexperience in these types of settings

"T-the anatomy?"

"Yeah something seems off. For example, it appeared out of nowhere and there's also too much blood for a child... and the blood seems too viscous" He continued on, you barely caught onto his words

You kept your head down "Too much blood for a child? how do you know that?"

"You see a lot of things when you're a devil hunter. Compared to other children I've seen, this one has significantly more blood. Enough for an adult's body"

You stumbled backwards and clutched your stomach. Nauseated, you bent over preparing to puke.

"Does that mean you've killed a child before?" your throat scratchy

You were afraid to hear his answer

You heard Aki walk closer to you. The warmth of his hand met your back, gently rubbing in circular motions

"Of course not. That's not what I meant. I have and will only ever kill devils. Any injured person I've seen is as a result of a devil's doing. Did you really think that I would ever harm another person? My job is to protect others, y/n"

He leaned down to see your face, ensuring you were alright

You shrugged his hand off in discomfort

"What about this child though?"

Aki sighed. He stepped in front of you and cupped your face, bringing your head up to look at him

"What I'm trying to say is that that child over there is not a child. It's a devil who failed basic biology. It must've tried to mimic a child's form to catch me off guard. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry."

His right thumb gently grazed your cheek bone "but you know y/n, you need to trust me more, please"



Not me publishing another short ass chapter after disappearing for a long ass time

Forgive me ;)?

Sorry my uploads have been SO inconsistent. I fully intend to finish the story though so dont worry, it may take longer than I anticipated but she's gonna be completed eventually lol

Thanks for tolerating my flaky ass. I am very very grateful for the support, I still read all your comments (I seriously cant believe how hilarious you all are)

LOTS of love qts

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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