Road Trip

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The next morning you and Aki were preparing to set off on your road trip to the countryside. You felt jittery from the mix of caffeine from your bitter morning coffee, and the thought of seeing your old hometown-- not to mention, your dad.

Aki popped open the trunk of the rental car, it was a small white SUV with that "new car" smell. You tossed your duffel bag into the back, causing a small burst of dust to fly out from underneath it. You waved it away and looked over to Aki's belongings- a single backpack and a machete?

"Is that all your bringing?" You silently judged him

"What do you mean? I only brought the essentials'' Aki proudly held up his backpack and placed it gently in the trunk, leaning it against your duffel bag. You laughed at the comparison

"Essentials? Is a machete really that essential for a trip back home?" You snuck your arm behind him and reached for it

He swiftly grabbed your arm before your grasp could meet the sheathed blade and pulled you upright

"What do you think you're doing?" he said in a serious tone

"I wanna see it" you whined

"No, don't touch it. Ever" he twirled you around so your back faced him "and it's a katana, not a machete" he pushed your shoulders and guided you to the passenger side of the car

You squirmed your way out of his grasp and whipped around in a protest

"Well whatever it is, why are you bringing it anyways? Are you seriously going to bring that thing around when I'm going to see my dad? He'll think you're some kind of psychopath"

"Who said I'm going with you to see your dad?"

"What do you mean!? I can't go alone!!"

Aki raised his brow "and why not? He is your father after all"

"I just don't think my dad would be too thrilled with me showing up out of nowhere after not hearing from me for a while. If you come with me then he won't yell at me for it" you smiled weakly, questioning your own logic

"Are you two not on good terms or something?" Aki reached past you and pulled the passenger door open for you

"That's not it, we're fine. I guess I'm overthinking it. I've just been away from home for so long that I feel like he might resent me for leaving him all alone"

"Don't take him for granted. Even if you've been away or out of touch, I'm sure he'd still be happy to see that you're ok and doing well."

You fiddled with your hair "I guess you're right"

He patted your head and smiled "Of course I am. Now get in, let's get going"


The car ride was peaceful with light conversation and pretty scenery. You occasionally glanced over as the sunny sky reflected gold tones along Aki's skin. The abundance of high-rises gradually blending away into simple apartment complexes, and eventually grassy fields and farmland

You rolled the windows down, the breeze tickled your cheeks and wildly pulled at your hair. You took a deep breath "ah the smell of-"

"Cow dung"

Aki rolled your window back up

You burst into laughter "how can you say that with a straight face?"

Aki exhaled out of his nose, letting out a light laugh "I don't know, I guess I'm used to being professional for work"

"We're going back home, get your head out of work mode! This is supposed to be time off" you flicking his forehead

"Y/n don't do that, I'm driving!"

You did it again "I don't want to see work Aki while we're home ok?"

"What are you talking about, Y/n?" his eyes were fixed on the road

"Don't be so serious, loosen up a little. We should do something fun"

"Like what?"

"Hmmm... Pull over"

Aki's eyes widened "P-pull over? Like right now?"





You grabbed the wheel

"Y/n stop it, I'm being serious"

"I know. Turn into that dirt road that's coming up"

Aki sighed "Fine. You're exhausting"

Aki reluctantly pulled into the bumpy dirt road, particles of dirt scattering throughout the air, making the view out the windshield a foggy grey-brown

You turned to Aki "Ok now get out"

Aki looked at you eerily "Why"

You playfully punched his shoulder "let me drive"

He scoffed "are you kidding me?" his laughter rang in your ears

"Aki get out"

Aki looked at you and tried to hold back his laughter "Make me"

"Oh? Alright" You hopped out of the passenger seat, and made your way to the driver's door, the dirt crunching underneath your feet

You pried his door open

He smirked "You think you're a match against someone who fights devils for a living?"

You reached over his chest and unbuckled him, you pulled at his arm, desperately using your body weight to drag him out of the vehicle

He let out a small laugh at your attempt "Y/n stop it, you're just embarrassing yourself"

You instantly gave up "Fine then. I didn't wanna do this but- move over"


You pulled yourself up into the SUV and propped yourself on his lap, swinging the door close and firmly gripping onto the wheel. You twisted the key and the engine purred to life

Aki leaned forward, his chest pressing against your back as he caught your hand and quickly turned the car off

"What the hell are you doing!?"

You turned back to look at him over your shoulder "I told you I wanted to drive so that's what I'm doing"

His face was inches away, beet red

He leaned back and swung the car door open. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you up and sliding out from under you, stumbling out of the car

"Looks like I am a match against a devil hunter" your eyes sparkled "Looks like I win!... Why is your face so red, Aki?"

"My face isn't red" he turned away, shielding his face from you "you're so annoying" he mumbled

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