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"So somehow neither of us died AND we were brought back together in a completely different city AND working for the same organization" you said, munching on some snacks that Aki bought.

You were both sitting on the rooftop of your apartment. The night breeze sent chills through your body. You pulled your blanket tight around you and leaned back on your plastic chair to look up at the night sky

"Don't you think that's destiny or something?" you said to him

"I'm not really sure I believe in destiny. Wouldn't that mean all those people had to die for us to get back to each other?" Aki reached over and grabbed some chips from a bag you were holding

"Oh, I didn't really think of it that way... I just thought that maybe there's a reason we're both here together"

"I think I know why" Aki said, scooting his chair over to yours and pulling your blanket around him too


"The universe knew that you'd need me to stop you from sticking your tongue down some random guy's throat"

You rolled your eyes and aggressively yanked your blanket off of him "Ugh are you still on about that?"

"Hey don't be like that" he said, pulling the blanket back on himself "Actually, I'm more focused on how you survived that attack"

You held the chip bag up and ate the remaining crumbs "Couldn't tell ya" you said between munches "Maybe it's destinyyy~" you nudged him with your elbow

"No seriously" Aki said while grabbing another snack "Even I would've died if that devil took over my body"

"You think so?" you glanced over to Aki


You shrugged "I guess I just have a strong immune system"

You both sat in a comfortable silence. Only crunches from the snacks and the bustling city filled your ears. You could feel Aki's body heat spreading towards you as you shared the blanket. A warmth that you remember so fondly bringing you a sense of security throughout late nights at the hospital.

"Have you ever heard of the myth of the gods?" Aki said, finally breaking the silence

"Myth of the gods... Nope, never heard of it"

"My great grandpa told me about it once when I was really young. He believed it to be true, but he was old and his sanity dipped in and out day by day"

"What's it about?"

"He said that hundreds of years ago gods used to live in unison with humans. They would descend from the heavens and observe the earth, and for some reason it interested them enough to form a mutualistic relationship with humans."

You looked at Aki and raised your brow

"Gradually because of how much time they spent together, humans would deplete their energy source...  But it wasn't intentional, it was a natural occurrence. Apparently the power of the gods was so strong that they practically emitted it. For some reason humans adapted to absorb that power, making their blood rich." Aki played with the hem of the blanket "As a result, their blood held rejuvenating powers." He looked at you

"Are you saying th-"

"No, I'm not done" he said calmly "Word spread quickly and the god's natural born enemies- the devils craved this power. That's when they decided to ambush the humans and gods in a bloody war. Devils combined their power to deteriorate the barrier between earth and hell and fed on human blood... Because of this the king of gods forbade the other gods from going to earth, fearing that the devils would arise in mass amounts once again. To prevent this, the king of gods blocked the portal from the devil to the human world, and the godly world to the human world... But apparently in nature it is physically impossible to completely block the worlds off. So the king of gods made it so that the only way for devils to cross over is if they died in hell... And for gods it was unknown how to cross into the human world, but there are stories claiming that it wasn't impossible."

"Sheesh that was supposed to be a kid's story?"

He looked at you annoyed "I never said it was a kid's story"

"Do you believe it?" you looked back up at the sky

"I mean it would explain why devils crave our blood so much... But it's only a myth."

"So you think there's a chance my blood might have some rejuvenating powers?"

He looked at you and gently slid his fingers over the scrapes on your face "Hmm... if you had a god's power running through your veins, you wouldn't have gotten so beaten up... And I doubt you'd be such a crybaby"

You aggressively grabbed his hand in annoyance "Ugh, call me a crybaby one more time and i'll bite your fingers off"

Aki burst into a laughing fit. "Try me"


Authors Note

Sorry for the late upload & short chapter! I will try my best to keep uploading consistently but I am starting a new job & preparing for finals exams so please understand that sometimes my uploads will be late.

Also I love reading your comments, they're so funny & keep me motivated to continue writing. So thank you for your encouragement & funny comments :)

Hope you are all well♥️

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