Back to Reality

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"He kissed you?" Hina said, shaking your shoulders back and forth

"Ah get your death grip off of me, I just got better! You're gonna bruise me up" You said shaking her hands off your shoulders

Things were finally going back to normal. After taking some time off it was your first day back to work. Ever since the attack happened while studying the gun devil bullets, the previous lab was not in a safe condition to be working in, and so HQ decided to temporarily move the lab in a building closer to the devil hunting association as well as increase security.

It had been about a week since the attack, Hina was so relieved to see that you were doing ok. But her attention quickly shifted to your relationship status-- her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

"Stop looking at me like that, why are you getting all giddy? It was just a one time thing"

"What makes you say that?"

You looked down and remembered what Aki said about Kurose

"Nothing, just a hunch. Besides that's enough talking, we should be working anyways I've missed too many days so you're probably behind"

"Y/n you can't just tell me Kurose kissed you and leave it at that!! What else happened?" She said raising her eyebrows and nudging you

"Oh my god Hina stop, nothing happened. And keep your voice down or the devil hunters are gonna hear you" you glanced over to the door where two devil hunters stood "So what did I miss, did you have the chance to look at the bullets anymore?"

Hina scrunched her nose in disappointment "I can't believe you're changing the subject, you're no fun" she walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a file "This is all I got, I didn't really have too much time to look at it because HQ took some time to find and set up the new lab"

You took the file from her hands and pulled out the lab report "So still no progress huh?"

"Nope, that's why I need your brain to help me out but you've been too busy kissing boys" she teased

"First of all it was one guy and are you forgetting that I almost died?"

"If a near-death experience is what it takes to get some action around here then maybe I should try it too" she mumbled

You burst into laughter "Have you lost your mind? I've never heard you speak like this"

"Well i'm in my thirties and when the lab was being relocated I had a lot of time to myself, and it made me realize that things are a little too quiet in my life. Plus Himeno keeps talking about this one guy she's into and now you have Kurose so"

Himeno? Where have I heard that name?

"I don't have Kurose so don't say that. And you have plenty of options, the devil hunting association is crawling with single men" you giggled

"Ugh I wouldn't say that, the boss has every man wrapped around her fingers"

"Who?" you said, preparing your microscope

"Her name's Makima, she basically runs everything. I'm actually surprised you didn't meet her during your orientation. Anyways she's gorgeous, smart and strong. I have yet to meet a guy in the association who isn't in love with her"

You turned on your microscope "You basically just described yourself, but the only difference is that your schedule is always so full and you're cooped up in this lab... Anyways, should we take another look at the bullet's blood?"


No luck again. How disappointing. You sighed as you sterilized your equipment. "What is up with this thing? The blood components seem completely normal?".

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