Dinner & Distress

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"Hey Y/n! Why are you running?" Kurose chased after you

The balls of your feet pressed against the cold, coarse pavement as you sprinted with your shoes dangling in hand

You were tipsy from the wine you had during dinner. You couldn't help but drink a little too much to relieve your nervousness.

You abruptly stopped in front of an arcade, the neon sign flickering and drawing you in. You spun around and pointed at Kurose who caught up to you

"Be careful! You could step on glass or something!" he grabbed your wrist and tried to take hold of your shoes to put them back on your feet

You ignored his comment

"You have to win me a prize!" you said, tugging him into the arcade "I don't make the rulesss~"

The interior of the arcade was dimly lit with flashing neon lights all over, dozens of games taunting you to play. Dings, buzzes, voices, and faint music all mixing into a constant background noise. Groups of teenagers and college students scattered throughout the back of the arcade, giggling and enthusiastically yelling as they hit various buttons and maneuvered the joysticks in their game.

You took a deep breath, it smelled strongly of sweat and candy but you loved the nostalgia of being a child with no worries.

"Y/n what are we doing here? Are you drunk? Let me walk you home?"

You ignored Kurose and wandered over to a carpeted area with a claw machine

"Okayyy win me the biggest prize in this claw machine!!"

He laughed at your silliness "And what if I don't?"

You grabbed him by his tie and pulled him down, catching him off guard. Your lips grazed his ear "then you don't get your prize" you whispered

You let go of his tie and pushed him back, expecting Kurose's classic flustered face. Instead, his nervous expression disappeared into a smirk

"Is that so?" he stepped closer to you

You took a wobbly step back, your back pressed against the cold claw machine and your shoes slipped from your grip, making a clunk noise as they landed on the floor

He put his arms on either side of you against the claw machine and leaned in "so you wanna play games huh?"

Your breath hitched as his face neared yours, his cologne filled the air around you with a faint hint of wine off his breath

He placed his right hand under your chin "Don't tease me or you'll regret it later" he said pulling your bottom lip down with his thumb

Your whole body froze and your face heated up

His posture loosened and his gaze looked past you into the claw machine

He brought his arms back to his side

"Which one do you want?"


The night air was brisk and refreshing, and the city lights adorned the streets with a radiant glow. You proudly clutched onto the plushie that Kurose won for you

"That was really fun" you said as the nostalgic high began to subside "I'm having a really good time"

"You're kinda nuts y'know" he chuckled "It's cute"

"I'm nuts? What about that stunt you pulled back there?"

"Oh come on, you can't tease a guy and expect him to take it"

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