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You slept relatively well despite having a rocky evening

You stretched your legs and pulled the covers off your body, the cool air tickling your skin. You rolled off the bed and making your way to the bathroom

When you opened your bedroom door you noticed that Aki was asleep on your couch

I guess he never ended up going home last night... It was pretty late so it makes sense

You tiptoed over to the coffee table making sure not to wake him up, you quietly grabbed the tea cup you left last night and brought it over to the kitchen, placing it in the sink.

You realized it was empty

Didn't I only drink half of this last night?

You looked over to Aki and chuckled, you always used to share your snacks when you were kids

You made your way back to Aki and took a seat on the cold floor

You watched as his chest steadily rose and fell with each breath. His arms were sprawled over the couch and his legs hung over the end. His shirt slightly pulled up, exposing a sliver of his toned body

"Psst, Aki?"

He didn't move

His hair was a knotted mess- you wanted to run your fingers through it and fix it so bad

"Are you awake?" you whispered, inching closer to his face

You poked his cheek

He groaned and rolled over, his back towards you

"Fine be that way" you said under your breath

You turned your back towards him and leaned against the couch, pulling your knees to your chest and resting your head against his back, staring at the wall

"You must be having a good dream, I wonder what it's about..."

You listened to his breathing and closed your eyes


You woke up to the sound of munching

You slowly opened your eyes and lifted your head, realizing that Aki was sitting beside you on the floor, and that your head was resting on his shoulder

"Oh shoot, did I wake you up? Sorry" he looked concerned

"I fell asleep again?"

"Yeah when I woke up your head was on my back, looked pretty uncomfortable so-" he patted the shoulder, a piece of toast in hand

"By the way, you want some toast?" he moved his half eaten toast close to your mouth "here"

"Ah no its alright thanks" you pushed his hand back, still adjusting your eyes to the light

"I would've cooked something but you don't really have anything in your fridge, it's like you don't even live here"

"I just haven't had time for any of that, I got so busy between work and school that it doesn't get prioritized"

"You should take better care of yourself, or you'll get sick"

"You don't need to worry about me, Aki"

"Of course I do, you're my only family left"


"You don't understand Aki, It's not that I don't want to, I just never have time. Between work and school things get too exhausting so I end up settling for something quick like takeout or ramen, it's seriously not a big deal"

Once again Aki was helping you with groceries

"Told you you were a takeout girl" he mumbled


"Nothing. You're living like an animal, if you keep living this way you're either going to starve to death or develop a stomach ulcer or something"

You lugged the grocery bags and tried to keep up with Aki's pace

"But I've been doing fine all these years!!"

He turned back and glared at you "I can't believe you used to be the responsible one between us, oh how things have changed" he teased

You pouted "I see you still have your attitude"

Aki laughed "you always get so cute when you're all worked up-"

"AKI!!!" a suited woman appeared out of nowhere, bumping into Aki and throwing her arm around his shoulders

He wobbled from the impact and dropped one of the grocery bags

"Ugh I told you to stop doing that, now the fruit will get all bruised" Aki replied to the woman, annoyed.

You gave them a bit of space

"What are you doing here in uniform? Don't we have the day off?" Aki said

"Makima offered me some extra cash to deal with a minor issue here in the area, what are you doing here? I thought you were going back to the countryside?"

Aki's going back home?

Aki gently placed the rest of the grocery bags on the pavement and rubbed the back of his head "I am, but something came up" he said, turning around and looking at you

The woman turned around and followed his gaze, eyeing you up as you awkwardly stood, groceries in hand

Her hair was dark, she was relatively tall and wore an eye patch. Her confidence made you nervous

She ignored you and turned back to Aki "So you're babysitting or something?"

What did this bitch just say?

You dropped the grocery bags and started walking towards her with your fists balled up, Aki's eyes widened and he stepped in front of you, blocking your view of the woman

He firmly grasped onto your shoulders, stunting your movement

"Don't" he said in a low voice

"Did you not hear what she just said?"

"I'm sorry, let me deal with it. I promise she didn't mean any harm. Leave the grocery bags, take my wallet and go get something from the bakery and i'll meet you at the park over there when I'm done talking to her"

He shoved his hands into his pocket and pulled out a thick leather wallet

"Are you taking her side?" you asked annoyed, taking his wallet

"I'm not taking anyone's side"

"And why didn't you tell me you were going back home? When are you leaving and how long?"

"Y/n can we talk about this later?"

"Fine, but don't be mad if this wallet is empty when you get it back" you playfully waved his wallet in front of his face


Author's Note

I seriously cant thank you all enough for your patience!! My finals are finally done (they went well yay!) and now all I have to focus on is work so that should mean my uploads will be more consistent :)

Thank you for over 3k reads, that's so crazy to me. I feel like a broken records but thank you all so so so much and im glad youre enjoying the story hehe

Also dont even ask me why Aki is out here getting them groceries again, he just strikes me as a responsible dad type vibe who would totally worry about your health & diet LOL... Also note his thiccy wallet bc I just know he makes hella bank & is wise with saving & spending money

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