Chapter Fifteen: The Green Goblin

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my plot.

TW: Violence (not very graphic, some blood)

Peter ate as Norman watched them while working on the spider bite antidote. He really hoped his message got through before that got finished, especially since Norman threw a monumental temper tantrum when he saw that Peter had gotten the collar off overnight. Norman yelled at him for being an insubordinate son and shocked Harry a few times with his since they didn't have time to get Harry's collar off before Norman came. He didn't attempt to get in and put another on Peter though. He would need another tranquilizer to do that, and he really didn't want to drug him again. Norman has been watching them even more closely since then. Norman silently fumed as he worked on his projects. Peter and Harry stayed quiet so as not to cause another meltdown. They were just lucky Norman hadn't figured out what they'd done to the collar yet.

Upstairs Tony blew a hole through Norman's Penthouse window and stormed in. Norman and the boys weren't there of course, but it certainly set the building's alarms off. Rhodey sighed at Tony's theatrical antics, but knew the only thing on Tony's mind was to find Peter. Tony blasted his way into the keypad activated elevator and hacked it to take him to the lowest level where the secret labs were. He knew if the kids were hidden, it would definitely be in one of the underground labs Norman had shown him years ago when they had thought about being business partners. Rhodey followed behind him. They got down there and as they entered Tony blew the metal door of its hinges, there was no need for a keypad. Nothing would stop him from finding his mentee. It was dark and suspiciously quiet. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and masked a towering green figure in a menacing light. Tony didn't see or hear either of the boys who were so desperately trying to get his attention from behind Norman's Green Goblin form. The Goblin's massive form blocked all view of the glass cage behind it, and the inhabitants couldn't be heard over the beast's loud snarling.

The beast snarled deeply and said "You come into my home, destroy my Penthouse, and now you're trying to take my son! You'll never get him! He's my son! He must stay here safe from the world away from menaces like you who encourage him to be an idiotic self-sacrificial vigilante!" Tony gawked at what Norman had become and was utterly stupefied by Norman's words regarding Peter.

"If you truly cared about him Norman, you wouldn't have killed his family and kidnapped him! Let him go now! We don't have to fight!"

Tony yelled as the Goblin smiled a toothy grin and said " Who said I want to fight? I don't want to fight. I want to kill you so no one will ever try taking my son from me again!" and the Goblin began his ruthless attack on Tony while Rhodey stood back and made his way over to the glass cage door where he could now hear both boys calling out for Tony to look out.

They didn't hear him approach as they were too busy watching the gory scene playing out before them. Rhodey saw that the door had a keypad as well as manual locks, that were luckily not Vibranium infused, and he shot a repulsor blast at them to disable the door and free the boys.

Peter noticed Rhodey when he ripped the door off its hinges. He immediately bombarded Rhodey with a hug.

"Hallelujah! I was so worried our message hadn't gotten through. It's so good to see you Mr. Rhodes."

Rhodey smiled and said "It's Rhodey to you, remember, and we can talk later, right now we need to help Tones fight off Ugly Green Goblin guy who is apparently Norman."

Peter grimaced and said "Yep, he injected himself with something as soon as the building alarms went off and waited for you guys to get down here. He's really trying to kill Mr. Stark. It's almost creepy how obsessed Norman is with having me as his son. I didn't know until all this went down that he even thought of me that way. I mean I knew I was his godson, but we've never really been super close, and then he goes and murders my family just to get me. How much creepier could that get?! Nevermind, don't answer that! It's rhetorical!"

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