Chapter 14

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"Do you like your eggs?" my auntie cooks for me. A lot. I really like what she makes even if it's different from Basil's cooking. I think she likes me, though sometimes I still hide in case she's thinking of bashing my head in and burying me alive. She's also been trained not to try to dress me in anything but black. She trained even quicker than Basil.

I nod, my mouthful.

"Good, and don't be giving them to that dog of yours. You are too skinny," she says, petting my hair, as she goes back to the stove, "I was thinking we go to the park today after your school?"

"Okay," I am not fond of my school but she found me a private school which is apparently way better than where Della and Basil have to go. Luke has a private school too near mine so I go bother him sometimes.

Chiron drools and puts his head in my lap. I give him a piece of toast because he's too skinny too.

"You spoil that dog---"

The doorbell rings.

"You stay there papi, I'll get it," she says, going to the front door. It's not a very big house, so I easily can see the doorway from the kitchen table. I can't hear who's outside though. That's okay she doesn't have to see me disobeying.

"No, I have my nephew here now I told you----look I'll call you later if you want to talk but I really need things quiet for him."

Something like 'can't I come in?' I sneak forward, Chiron follows me.

"No, now I told you my nephew needs to come first right now. I will call you later okay---let go—"

The man at the door has his foot in it, and he's holding my aunt's hand hard.

Basil told me never to do this. But Basil isn't here. And this man is being mean to my aunt she's really nice. I squeeze my eyes shut and focus as hard as I can.

"Oh my god---are you all right----?" my aunt is supporting the man as he collapses, quite dead, in her arms. I hurry back into the kitchen so I don't get in trouble.

"Hector!! Call 911--- bring me the phone---"

"I think he's already dead why don't we just bury him?" I suggest, to speed up the day. Nobody ever likes my suggestions. 

And then I get to spend the afternoon with Detective Stamos explaining just how the phrase "he's already dead why don't we just bury him" got into my vocabulary. 

Olympus Drive Book 1: Everything is FineWhere stories live. Discover now