Chapter 18

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I scream, slamming on the glass door with my bare fists. I want out. I want to go home. It's been seventy five days by my count. Every single day I wake up and want the door to be blown open and Basil standing there smiling. Because he found me. He finally found me. I know he doesn't know where I am. But I need him. I really need him bad. I close my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks, arms wrapped around my stomach. The guards figured out a few weeks ago that I'm pregnant. They have no idea what that means or what to do other than separate me from the others. That scares me. I want my dad. I want to know that Raven is okay. I hate being alone in here. The Underworld would be better than this.

And they have recently figured out that it's better if they can't hear me. That's annoying. But not entirely detrimental. I can still see them. And eventually make eye contact.

There's one that's paid to watch me. Just stand there observing me making sure I don't try to break out. Just stand there. And watch me.

Like all of them he's in one of those black suits, with dark glasses. Finally, finally I feel his eyes catch mine. I smile, slowly, blinking away my tears.

"Don't look away now," I whisper, as he watches my lips, "You won't like it when you go."

He can't hear me but he doesn't look away. Blood dribbles from my nose. This isn't easy. It won't get me free. But I am getting good at it.

"Don't look away. This is the last happiness you'll ever feel," I whisper, slowly, dragging his arm up to his holster, heavy, like a marionette.

The others just see it happening as I draw the gun and bring it up to his forehead, with his own, heavy, laden hand. They move to stop him but I pull the trigger long before they reach him. He drops to the floor, dead.

I giggle, flipping them off. They know I can only do it one at a time. But I can and will do a hell of a lot of damage.

"That's what you get for messing with me boys, come on, who's next?"

Olympus Drive Book 1: Everything is FineWhere stories live. Discover now