Chapter 33

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I sit slumped at my desk. I didn't want to come to school today. It isn't fair the others didn't have to go. But no. Hector can't die so nobody cares about protecting him. Basil doesn't even care he has a new son to worry about. 

I know I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. But really. Jasmine was my only friend and Basil was the only father I've ever had. And now Jasmine has Thyme to be her friend and he's her age and he's her brother so of course she'll like him better than me, and Basil has a real son to look out for now.

 It's stupid. He wasn't ever my dad anyway. He wasn't supposed to be. But I hardly remember our real Dad. And my biological father tried to kill me. I don't really have a good track record to be honest. But somebody ought to care about me, shouldn't they? It isn't very fair. Maybe I am something worse than all of them. And that's why I am the way I am. Maybe I'm not supposed to be alive to begin with. And that's why I'm not.

"We're here for the boy," three Titans walk in my pre-calculus class room, holding out fake FBI badges and staring at me.

"Um—Hector—" Mrs. Prillis, who incidentally has had a sexual relationship with Basil, just like 80% of my teachers.

"I'll be fine ma'am," I say because I like to think she fucked him because she cares. 

Anyway, after I say that I disappear. Despite knowing I can do that the Titans freak out and move in on where I was, which allows me to dart out the door. I need to get them away from everyone else.

I whistle, becoming visible as I run down the hallway. Then I vanish again as they follow me. How to die this time? I'm obviously going to take them with me. But how to do it sufficiently dramatically for today? The boiler room.

"Hey assholes," I say, then I whistle again, backing down the stairs. They round the corner, shooting at empty space as I run to the door to the boiler room. It's locked. I kick the lock to break it I'm so glad my brothers teach me how to do stupid shit like that. Also my shoes hurt. I do need new ones. I don't even like this suit to be honest.

I whistle again, edging around the boiler. I wonder how hard it would be to get this thing to explode? Well. One way to find out. Trick them into shooting it multiple times.

Or just once.


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