Chapter 47

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"Isn't that your phone?" Luke is ignoring his phone, staring off past his parent's yard towards the ocean. His parents went to bed, we stayed up to talk so I could fill him in on what he missed in class today. That somehow turned into going for a swim. I don't know how. He's swimming. I'm not. I'm not a good swimmer and I don't really care to get all wet with chlorine and have to dry off.

"Yeah it's my sister she'll be fine. I want to be with you," he says, still sitting on the side, dripping.

"You okay?" he's seemed off all evening. He said he had to help his brother today but he didn't text at all. And he's never talked about helping his brother before. Maybe his little brother, but not really even him. And what took all day?

"Yeah—yeah I'm fine," he says, shaking his head and seeming distracted.

"Did you read about the tornados in the Midwest today?" I ask.

"There was a tsunami on the West Coast that also was pretty cool, I thought."

"Oh I didn't see that."

"Yeah, no casualties---at all. Which is really rare in fact unheard for tsunamis," he says, wiping water out of his curls, "Come here—swim with me."

"We are supposed to be studying," I point out, coming over to the edge anyway.

"I want a kiss. I missed you today," he says, smiling a bit.

"We can kiss on dry land," I say, "Also I'm fully dressed."

"I will lend you pants, you can take your shirt off because I know you love that shirt," he says, "My parents will not come out my mom specifically told me she was being discrete."

"You parents are so committed to being the best parents possible," I say, relenting and taking off my shoes and socks.

"They are it's deeply appreciated, come on it's not cold I promise."

"I'm sure it's cold and you have to cuddle me while we study to warm me up," I say, preparing to take my shirt off.

"Done, get in," he laughs.

I take my shirt off and toss it onto the deck chair, then climb in the---okay it's actually freezing, water.

Luke's hands are warm though as he tugs me under the water, hands wrapping around me and rubbing my back through my binder as he gently kisses my face.

I move when I realize I didn't get enough of a breath to stay under this long, though his hold on me is firm. He smiles, then he kisses me again, holding my head close to his as I feel----air???---flood my lungs. I stare at him under the water, he grins, clearly breathing in and out as he holds us gently well under the surface.

I shake my head a little and he kisses me again, really kissing me this time. But as he does air continues to gently fill my lungs. He twists under the water, his leg entwining with mine and I realize I'm not cold anymore. I feel fine. His skin is weirdly warm and his eyes oddly focused in the dim light. But the water isn't clear for some reason. It's cloudy now. He kisses me again as I realize chunks of---something are floating in the water arounds us, like bits of log or huge sticks.

He kicks up to the surface, finally letting me go a bit though his hands stay on my arms. I surface and take a breath as I look around. I was more fixated on the breathing under water thing. But now I am less interested in that.

Because the pool is filled with blood. And the things floating in the water are body parts and bits of something that apparently exploded while we were underneath the water.

"I have something to tell you," Luke says, looking at me with sad eyes, as water runs down his smooth face.

"I'll say," I say, still looking at the blood and the water, "Shall we talk inside?"

"Yeah, let's talk."

Olympus Drive Book 1: Everything is FineWhere stories live. Discover now