Chapter 45

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Detective Stamos

"Old Forester Rye, if the boy's going to be alcoholic step one is better booze," says somebody who never should be anywhere near children.

"Bradley Rhea I am arresting you on—"

"Oh sweet Lucifer not again."

"—six counts of kidnapping, one hundred and thirty nine counts of child endangerment, seven counts of cannibalism, and two counts of sexual abuse. You have the right to remain silent as anything you say can and will be used—"

"You need to get your priorities straight, we are supposed to be looking for the kids," he groans, as I cuff him against a rack of wine. He's still clutching the whiskey under his arm. I take it away and set it down on the wrong shelf.

"And yet we are in a liquor store------will be used against you in a court of law," I finish, shoving him toward the door.

"First you quit being our best customer now you ARREST our customers? What's your problem Stamos?"

"He doesn't have any money—out," I push him out the door.

"You know Basil's gonna get me out again."

"Not if I talk him out of it by reminding him you forced him to have sex with his sisters," I say, walking him back to my car.

"One) I am the last person who will defend my own decisions, Two) forced is a really strong word they were horny as it was, Three) arresting me now isn't going to do shit about that nor it is helping anybody the little ones are still wandering around causing mayhem," he says as I shove him in the back seat with his big dumb dog which starts licking his face.

"And I'm going to find them while you sit here waiting for my partner to come and book you," I say, slamming the door and locking it.

"Stamos---we found Helen—"

"Oh my god let him out will you stop trying to arrest him?"

"No actually I won't—where's your sister is she all right?" I ask, as Della runs up to me.

"No she's not ---where are the kids?"

"I texted you they tried to take Dean home and ran off after tying us up—we got out but we don't know where Dean lives or his mother's full name and he kept trying to buy booze," I say, as Raven—just breaks the car door to get Rhea out okay great.

"Helen broke my phone---she's been in the Underworld god knows how long she's messed up and freaked out all she wants is Basil but she's pissed at him because apparently she knows he's not exactly been saving himself for her---and she's covered in other people's blood," Della sighs.

"Okay—let's get the kids, we'll keep looking for her---really? Those were good handcuffs you can threaten me and ask for a key," I sigh. Raven melted the cuffs off Rhea.

"Do either of you know where the little fat boy lives?" Rhea asks, as Raven hugs him. Now is as good a time as any to point out he is wearing a bathrobe and jeans and is covered in dog hair. I am wearing a suit and tie and hat for the record.

"Yes, let's go," Della says, pushing him and her sister back in the car.

"Where is Basil?" Raven asks.

"I don't know I left one of his phones at the house I have the other one—Hector showed up he's with Jasmine and the boys," I explain, giving Della the keys because I don't know where we're going. "Luke is texting me---says police are on campus and it's not his fault great."

"Hopefully nothing to do with us," Della says.

"Yeah hopefully but not likely—how not okay was she on a scale of mass murder to curl up in a ball crying?" Rhea asks.

"Considering she was covered in blood closer to the first- though she was sad—we think she got away from us because she didn't want to go home she wanted to find Basil," Della says.

"Well hopefully she does, he can at least keep her still while we find them," I say, texting Basil's other phone telling him to call me. No answer; that's not great.

"Ah not exactly—he's the last person I trust alone with her—she can control him and while he might be able to stop her with force he doesn't try 'cause he doesn't want to hurt her and he gets hurt," Rhea says, "I'd sooner be the one to do it she's used to me and we're not out anything if she mind controls me into punching a street sign or whatever-- it's not like anyone's drowned or electrocuted."

"Except you're under arrest—"

"I am not."

"You are I arrested you you're arrested---and you're not being alone with any of them, ever again, need I remind you we wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you?" I growl.

"No they'd all just be dead not that the current situation is great, but it isn't the kids dead, so I'd say that's an improvement; didn't say it's a good one but it is."

"Stop arguing you two—Stamos he stays I know you don't like him but he is our dad, deal with it," Della says, "Look, lights are on, the kids are probably inside and Sam's making them wait for us to come and get them."

"Don't bet on it," Rhea, an optimist.

"Why is the door open?" Raven got out before the car was in park.

"Everybody stay back," I say, walking in first.

The floor is covered in blood, and there's a symbol painted on the wall, in blood.

"Fuck," Della says.

"Does nobody fucking listen to the first rule of the Underworld?" Rhea groans.

"Don't go to the Underworld," Della and Raven say, obediently.

"What---the kids didn't do this?" I say, looking at the blood, "Their foot prints are in it—'

"But it's old, no someone—basically Helen, sent someone, assuming Dean's mom, to the Underworld, and knowing Hector and Jasmine they went to go fetch her," Della says, "We have to go after them."

"No! Second rule of the Underworld is do not go to the Underworld to find people who shouldn't have gone there---they are with Death, he's not affected by it so they won't be either----we on the other hand will lose our minds," Rhea says.

"He's right we don't' need more mentally unstable super powered people staggering around Winfell, you two are not going," I say.

"I could go but I've got no maps of the place lately---I don't know what rotation we are on nothing, it's a crap shoot they've been gone easily an hour, it took us two to get out of the duct tape," Rhea says.

"No, no we're not splitting up," Raven says, taking his arm.

"What---well where do they come out like---we can't just leave them down there," I say, "I can go and he can –how do we do it?"

"He just said—we don't have a map we don't know where they landed and we don't know where they're going. We're stuck until they decide to come back up," Della says, shaking her head, "We need to find Helen, now. I'm calling Luke we have to search all of Winfell."

"We can't split up, the more of us there are the harder it is for her to control us," Rhea says.

"Okay so we are not needing police at this crime scene then? We need to lock up the house," I say, "I'll get on the scanner, we'll make sure she doesn't hurt anyone else tonight."

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