Chapter 4

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"Why didn't you tell him my real name?" Hector is too little to have his priorities straight. We are getting ready to go into Winfell, something I am against doing.

"I did, Makat is your real name," Basil says, this is not the first time we've had this conversation. He's attempting to get Hector into his uniform and ready.

"No, I'm Hector."

"No, Hector is what I named you so you wouldn't feel left out. Makat is what Dad named you that's your real name," Basil says, tiredly.

"Did you name me?" I ask, frowning.

"No, your first family called you Luke. You told us when we found you," Basil says.

"I don't remember that," I don't remember them at all. I guess I remember playing on the beach. That's all. We've never been back to the beach. Dad said he'd taken me next week for my found-day.

"That's because you were only two. Now put whatever snacks you want in my backpack," Basil directs.

"Why are we wearing the fucking uniforms?" I don't know why Della is so mad lately. Maybe she's just worried cause the others are gone.

"Because we are going into town," Basil sighs.

"In broad daylight. I think we'll be okay," she says, tugging at the grey wool sweater in annoyance. "I promise. I will stop all the monsters myself if I don't have to wear this."

"You shouldn't-----you should completely do that because if kicking-ass will make you happy you should go for it however I need all of you to wear the uniforms because when not if when Dad shows back up immediately after I broke the rules and took all of you out of the house, then while he's tearing me a new one then I at least can say 'hey we wore our uniforms' because while it won't stop him from giving me a much deserved ass chewing it will stop him from giving me a psychological lecture good old boy talking to later when he thinks that I didn't take you in uniform because I think my life would be simpler if I were dead. Which I occasionally do but that isn't the point," Basil says.

"That was so confusing I no longer care can we please not wear these stupid things?" Della groans.

"No and now I have explained why though I deeply care how you feel," Basil says, as I put my snacks in his open backpack.

"Fine," Della sighs, coming over to adjust my sweater.

"Why are you upset?" I ask her, because part of Basil's speech was recognizing she was upset. Is she mad we're leaving at all? It is because of me we have to go.

"Fifteen different reasons although none of them have anything to do with having to go get your life-juice," she says, giving me a hug, "Really, I'm just worried about the others."

"When's Raven coming back?" Hector asks.

"Dad and Helen and Raven---probably just got held up. It's dangerous out there. But we're walking to Winfell. And we'll go to Costco, we'll look," Basil says, "Okay? Let's go."

"My feet hurt."

"We have not started walking yet."

"My feet hurt," Hector folds his arms. Lately our dad has been making him walk under his own power and telling Basil not to pick him up unless his feet hurt. So now instead of "pick me up, Basil" he says "my feet hurt". Yeah it worked really well.

"Fine," Basil shoulders his backpack, then slings Hector onto his shoulders as well.

"I'll walk Chiron," I say, getting the dog's leash.

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