Chapter 3

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You didn't really know what he meant by that but you didn't think much about it since you were still in pain. Diluc didn't leave anything for you to do, the room was pretty empty there was only a twin sized bed, a nightstand with a light, and a small opened window. "Maybe he did that on purpose. He did tell me that I should rest... still he could at least gave me a book or something" you said to yourself. You laid down which was kinda painful but the pain seemed to ease when you were just lying down and not moving plus the bed was really comfy so you were able to fall asleep fast.

You woke up and turned your head to the window and it was now nighttime "i must've been out for a while but wasn't that window opened" You asked yourself. Someone must've came in but i guess i was pretty knocked out and didn't hear them.
*knock knock* You hear a knock at the door then the door begins to open. You see Diluc standing there with a sliver platter and a cloche on top covering it "you're up, good" he said. He walked in and set the plate on your nightstand

"whats this? Looks fancy" you said excitedly waiting to see what yummy's is hiding under the lid

Diluc lifts the lid up revealing a Adeptus' Temptation! It looked so yummy you took and bite and craved for more next thing you knew it was all gone "Wowww!! That was so delicious! This meal probably costed a lot of money. Ill pay you back for everything once i leave." You said still licking your lips. "No need" he said staring at you

You gave out a sigh of relief "Good i don't think i could pay you back even if i gave you all my money." you said looking down at your empty bowl you looked at Diluc who didn't say anything in return and noticed he was still staring at you. You made eye contact and you both froze just staring at each other which was kinda awkward then there was a long pause neither of you said anything and just looked at each other "Thank you" you said to break the silence "don't worry about it. Stay as long as you need ill take care of you." He said as he moved his eyes and stared at the wall. You only knew him for a day and he's already giving you butterflies "s-still... if there's anything i can do to repay you... just tell me as long as its not cooking! I cannot be trusted in a kitchen!" You said trying to get rid of this flustered feeling. He laughed underneath his breath which surprised you
"well once you feel better there is something... you can help me with..."

End of chap 3
sorry if it seems short and boring

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