Chapter 5

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As you enter the room Barbara is in (I actually forgot what the place is called srry) Diluc sets you down on the bed "are you ok?" He says as he looks into your E/C eyes. You nod and he is still pretty close to your face then Barbara enter and he shoots up Barbara looks at Diluc in confusion but brushes it off "so Y/N how have you been?" Barbara says as she walks up to you. "Pretty good actually... i feel ok just a bit weak" you say. Barbara continues to ask a few questions about your health then when shes done she begins to heal you. "All done! I suggest you have lots of rest before you go running around doing adventures." She says with a smile "Don't worry i will make sure of that" Diluc says as he stares into your eyes. Barbara once again looks at you two in confusion since you and Diluc are basically have a staring eye contest. "Good! Well you two be off now" Barbara says "Right" you respond.

You try to stand up but stumble a bit but you catch yourself before you fell "need help?" Diluc says "I'm fine! Its been a while since I've been on my feet thats all" you reassured. You begin to take a step and trip thankfully Diluc catches you "let me help you walk until you remember how." Diluc says with a serious face. Then Diluc puts your arm over him and grabs your waist with his other hand "lets go" he says.

As you two begin walking out you could feel your cheeks turning red you look up at Diluc and notice how he looks off "Diluc usually looks all serious and scary but now he looks... nervous? Or maybe embarrassed.. or maybe... flustered?!" You think to yourself. Just the thought of Diluc being flustered over you made your cheeks flare up even more you were so lost in thought that you didn't even notice that you already arrived at Angels Share. "I- I think I'm good.. i can walk in myself" you say as you pull away from Diluc "ok?" Diluc says as he follows you in.

You two walk into the bedroom you were staying in for the past few months you sat down on the bed and sighed "thanks for all your help" you said looking up at Diluc. Diluc walked over and sits very close to you "anytime" he replied with a very faint smile and you smiled back at him. You two stared into each other's eyes as you both started to lean in getting closer to each other...

Comment what you think will happen i might be fooling with y'all and it might not be a kiss 😚

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