Chapter 4

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"well once you feel better there is something... you can help me with..." Diluc said with a straight face
Diluc cuts you off "Help me run Angels Share"

"O-oh... like become a employee?" You asked

"Yes , mix drinks, and do delivery's. Do you know how to mix drinks?"

"No, but I'm a adventurer i can't help run a tavern"

"I guess you can pay me back in mora then" Diluc joked

"Ya know maybe I should try something new! Working in a tavern sounds fun!"  You said with a big smile on your face

"Don't worry ill make sure you have plenty of time for adventuring" Diluc said as he winked
then left closing the door behind him

You blushed as your mind went wild "No wonder Donna is always day dreaming about him! He even makes my heart go crazy!!" You said to yourself. You soon fell asleep dreaming about Diluc even though you only knew him for a few days. Its love at first sight.

As weeks go by Diluc continues to take care of you, soon those weeks turn into to months and your finally able to try to stand up on your feet again. Diluc helps you get up but your legs wobble causing you to fall (you know whats bouta happen) thankfully Diluc catches you by pulling you close to his chest "i got you" he said calmly. He was holding you tight kinda like a big hug, he was so close you could hear his heart beat. You slowly stood up and look at him in the eyes still hugging him, you both stopped and stared at each other for a while. Then you two started getting closer so you closed your eyes preparing for a kiss. "can you walk?" He says just as your lips were about to touch. You opened your eyes and back up a bit from his face "Im not sure, maybe?" You said confused. "Maybe he wants to take me out?" You thought to yourself "wait why would he want to do that, he's probably not even interested in me, maybe he wasn't even trying to kiss me and i just look like a idiot now, maybe-"
Diluc started talking which then cut off your thoughts  "come on ill help you walk downstairs" he said. Diluc then proceeded to hold on to you helping you walk. "Where are we going?" You asked
"To see Barbara, she should be able to heal you fully now" You two then proceeded downstairs out of the tavern (dont yall hate it when you try to leave the tavern then accidentally talk to six fingered Jóse)

On your way to see Barbara you got tired so Diluc carried you (insert any way you want diluc to carry you) as he carries you, you notice people staring at you, you were kinda embarrassed having all these eyes on you. You ended up passing Donna on her break who looked shocked seeing Diluc carrying someone like that. A few minutes later you finally each Barbara

Sorry for late upload 🥲

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