Chapter 14

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Once you finished your commissions you headed back to Mondstadt and when you arrived it was night and you were exhausted "should i go home or see Diluc... well Diluc obviously" you chuckled and headed over to Angels Share. When you entered Angels Share you headed straight to the counter where Diluc was standing, "Hey love" you said to him, "Hey, lets talk upstairs" he responded, you agreed and followed Diluc upstairs. When you got to the bedroom Diluc hugged you while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You two walked over to the bed and just talked and cuddled for what seemed like forever and of course a few soft kisses were exchanged.


"I have to go home soon so don't get to comfy" you sighed, "ill walk you back" Diluc said. You refused reassuring him that you would be fine, he eventually gave in and walked you out. Diluc gave you a kiss goodbye and watched you walk off into the dark.

When you got home you unlocked the door and went inside and noticed a note that was slid under your door. You pickled it up, turned on the light, and opened it. The letter read:

-4𝔒𝔐 𝔐~

(If you cant read it good, you can try to figure out what it says but you wont know for sure til later ;) ) You were confused on what it said but to tired to think about it so you decided to deal with it in the morning, you plopped down on your bed when it started to pour down rain through it seems like you are to tired to complain about, you soon fell asleep.

Thunder strikes and your window burst open. You quickly hop out of bed and look outside, it was hard to see and hear anything thanks to the rain but from what you could see nothing was there "am i going insane or what" you thought to yourself. You shut and lock your window and turn around to see another note slid under your door, you pick it up and open it but this time its:

cat fur, a cross, and dead  flower petals

The first thing that came to your mind when you saw these was

nothing. You were way to tired to think so you threw the stuff on your nightstand and passed out again on your bed.

Sorry for making donna evil lmao. Im hoping we all know its donna... right?

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