Chapter 7

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You had a hard time sleeping that night since all you could think about was Diluc, you eventually fell asleep and dreamt about him. You woke up to someone shaking your shoulder "wake up Y/N its almost the afternoon." The man said. Your eyes twitch open because of the sunlight coming through the window and you see a gorgeous man with red hair standing there. You stared at him for a moment since you were still so tired you couldn't process it fast enough. You closed your eyes and groaned while turning around and pulling the covers above your head. Diluc leaned over and moved the blanket and started placing a kisses all over your face "good morning beautiful/handsome." He whispered with his lips still touching you. That definitely woke you up your cheeks and ears turned bright red and you shot up out of bed "I'm up!" You said trying to cover your face. Diluc smiled faintly "get ready. I want to take you somewhere" He said while exiting the room. "Huh?"

Few hours later

You walked downstairs with nice washed hair and wearing your clean adventuring clothing. (Does Angels Share even have a shower?) You walked up to Diluc who was behind the counter "I'm ready!" You said with a nervous smile on your face, he looked at you noticing how you got all pretty. "Alright, lets go now." He said walking over to you, Charles took over behind the counter and you and Diluc left.

You and Diluc began heading for the Monstadt exit, you had no idea where he was taking you. Once you two were out of Mondstadt you felt your hand brushing against his, you thought he maybe trying to hold your hand so you grabbed his and then he intertwined his fingers with yours. "S-so where are we going?" You said looking at him, "its a surprise" Diluc said as he took a quick glance at you. You two walked in silence for about 15 minutes you thought it was getting awkward so you decided to break the silence
"is this a date?" You asked
"Well... do you want it to be?" Diluc said as he looked at you
"Yeah..." you said making eye contact with him
You two stopped and he looked into your eyes. Diluc began to lean in close to you and lade a gentle kiss on your lips "good" he said with a faint smile.

End of chap 7 also look at this lol

Y/N getting all nice and pregnant for their date with diluc 🥺

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Y/N getting all nice and pregnant for their date with diluc 🥺

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