Chapter 17- investigation #1

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Kaeya's POV

Kaeya walks up to Cats Tail and reads there sign ONE TIME ONLY DISCOUNT ON ALL DRINKS 5PM - 1AMKaeya goes inside and walks up to the counter where Diona is serving drinks. Diona looks at Kaeya in disgust "What are you doing here" she says while staring him down, "I'm investigating who sent this letter and if you might know the whereabouts of them. Or if possibly you are them, I'm afraid if I feel your lying, you are going to face consequences of the Knights of Favonius"

Diona reads the letter and stares at the items "So you think i wrote this? HOW BAD DO YOU THINK MY HANDWRITING IS?!"
"This is just a investigation I'm not pointing fingers quite yet, i just want to know where you were last night"

"Hmph... Well it wasn't me i was busy with these booze hounds and my plan to destroy the wine industry, and if you don't believe me you can go ask Margaret i was with her" Diona pouted. "Do you know where i can find Margaret?" Kaeya asks, "Shes probably out for a stroll she's can't be that far"

"I see well then thank you for your time" Kaeya says before exiting. "Well its very unlikely it would have been Diona she couldn't care less about Diluc or Y/N same goes with Margaret but i suppose ill ask her anyway"

Kaeya finds Margaret at Good Hunter and takes a seat next to her "Hello there, were you by any chance in Cats Tail with Diona all last night?" Kaeya starts right off the bat. "Of course, business got slow so we had a special discount i was so exhausted that i almost passed out once we closed while Diona just worked on her little "plan" why do you ask?"
"Just getting some information, while were at it do you recognize any of these items?" Kaeya ask spreading them on the table. Margaret looks at them carefully and picks up the cat fur "this looks a lot like Princes fur, he gets out sometimes and we often find him hanging around places near the gate, other then that i don't recall these other things" she says giving it back to Kaeya. "This was very helpful thank you"

"Now lets go to the cathedral and see if anyone lost a cross"

Enddddd this chap was short srry

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