Chapter 18 investigation #2

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Kaeya enter the cathedral and talks to one of the sisters "hello there, do you have a minute?" He asks, Kaeya doesn't believe one of the sister would do it but you never know sometimes the nicest people can be the fakest. "Hello, how can i help you?" The sister responds, "Did anyone lose an accessory by any chance?" Kaeya asks, and the sister looks at Kaeya with wide eyes "Oh! Yes i did! I lost a my little cross its very special to me, did you find it?" The sister says in excitement, "Do you remember where you happened to lose it? Tell me with details"

"Me and Victoria were walking all around Mondstadt the other day and when we got back I realized my little cross was missing. We thought I lost it around Quinn's shop but when we checked it wasn't there, so we walked around a bit but sadly no luck." The sister says looking a bit upset.

Kaeya thinks for a minute and it doesn't seem like she's lying "Does it look like this?" Kaeya takes the cross out of his pocket and shows the sister. The sister looks surprised "Oh yes thats it! Where did you find it?" "A friend of mine happened to pick it up" He says and the sister was very excited. "Ohhh Thank the archon! And you too of course!" The sister takes the cross from Kaeya and sees him out.

Kaeya looks over to his side and sees that Victoria is now standing there. Kaeya walks over to her and asks her the same question as he did with the sister; their stories were exactly the same so Kaeya crossed them off the list and went on his way to update Y/N. "If we assume that the cross was found near the gate and as well as the fur then we can guess where the culprit found all these items"

Kaeya enters the tavern walks to the counter where Charles is standing "Hello, do you know where my brother and his little friend might be?" Kaeya asked as he eyeballs the wine in the back. "Upstairs" Charles sighs, Kaeya thanks him and heads up.

Kaeya reaches the bedroom door and stop for a second "should i knock?" He asks himself Kaeya politely knocks. Y/N opens the door and sees Kaeya standing there. "What are you doing here?" Y/N asks "well I thought i would let you know I've narrowed down the list of suspects. All thats left is Flora and her little shop, if the culprit isn't there were out of clues." "What are you guys talking about?" Diluc asks. Y/N freezes up realizing they never told Diluc "u-umm well..." Kaeya interrupts you and just blabbers out "Well your little lover here has a little jealous stalker" Kaeya has full knowledge of what he just said.

"What?" Diluc says making eye contact with you, "W-wait i can explain-" Diluc pulls you into the room and shuts the door. "Why didn't you tell me this?" "I just- didn't want you to worry... I didn't think it was serious" you say twirling your fingers. You look down at the floor trying to prepare yourself for mad Diluc, but to your surprise he gives you a big hug instead. He puts his hand on the back of your head burying your face in his chest with his arm on your lower back. "Of course I'm gonna worry Y/N! I love you with every bone in my body and I don't want anything to happen to you." He says as he tightens his grip around you. You begin to tear up at his words, you loved this man with all your heart and now you knew he felt the same. You wrap your arms around him and he loosens the hug just to the point where you could see each others faces. Diluc wipes the tears from your eyes and you tell him everything in full detail.

"Well it seems Kaeya has everything under control, so i guess ill do my part in protecting you" Diluc says looking deeply in your eyes. You laugh and give hum a quick kiss.

"I love you Y/N" Diluc says leaning his forehead against yours, you smile "i love you too Diluc"


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