Chapter 12

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"he- hey... HEY"

You woke up to a Diluc couching down next of you, "hey babe, when did u get here?" you said while rubbing your eyes. "Babe?" Diluc whispered, "huh?" You sat up and looked at Diluc wondering why he was there. "Why are you here?" you asked, "You never showed yesterday, so I came looking for you. i had help from Katheryne though of course" he said. "Oh... wait, YESTERDAY? but its dark now... how long was I asleep?!" you started to freak out, "im not sure, I just got here" Diluc said as he watched you get up.

"ughhh, Diluc I'm so sorry for not coming yesterday." you went up to Diluc and gave him a big hug, "its ok, i was really worried though" he said while placing a quick kiss on your head. You looked up at him and kept apologized again then he started placing kisses on your lips to shut you up, you of course kissed back.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, you decided to mess around and gave him a hard deep kiss and you both fell, when you hit the ground you and Diluc started laughing. You gasped in disbelief and stared at Diluc  "what?" he said with a smile on his face, "i just never heard you laugh before! Its so cute!!" you said smiling. Diluc chuckled and stood up then reached his hand out helping you up. "We probably shouldn't do this here" Diluc laughed, "probably not"

You began walking back to Mondstadt while holding Diluc's hand the entire time. You both didnt run into much trouble on the way back only some slimes but with your wind and his fire you both could make a ultimate moves so you finished them of faster then usual.

When you got to Mondstadt you thought he would let go of your hand but he just held it tighter, You blushed as you both passed all the guards and some of the people heading to the bars to get drunk. "are you taking me to my place? or Angels share?" you asked. "Your place of course, where is it ill take to there" Diluc said, you were a bit hesitant about taking him to your empty place but you gave in and began leading him there.

When you finally made it you let go of his hand to unlock the door, you opened it "tah da, not much to see" you said as you chuckled nervously. You both walked in and Diluc began looking around "i-its not very big... its basically just a room i-" you didn't get to finish because Diluc cut you off, "i like it its cute and simple" he said walking over to you. You happily smiled while blushing.


i never fixed that thing popping up on my screen. i had to write this whole chapter with it stopping me every 10 seconds it was so annoying

Anyways heres some cursed diluc

who knew Diluc was so bad DAYUM

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who knew Diluc was so bad DAYUM

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